Monday, March 31, 2008

Buy Me A Star On The Boulevard...

"First born unicorn,
Hard core, soft porn
Dream of Californication..."

44 days.

When I go to LA I want to get my picture with Jodie Foster's star on the Walk of Fame, I saw this cute picture of this guy that Jenn went to school with, and he covered up half of the other persons name, to make his name - Britt... and coincidentally, I was named after Jodie Foster, so I want to cover up Foster, and voila! That's my name! I hope Fortune goes for that... ;-)

Today was awful. Well, just the start of it. I woke up late and I was just going to quickly do my blog and check all my shit and then get ready for work, well I was listening to music and Verizon keeps sending me this "update your internet" thing and I had been putting it off for a long time so I finally did it and it crashed my internet -- like I couldn't start it, couldn't do anything. So then I thought, "well I'll restart..." Nope, that didn't work. "Okay, I'll uninstall it and reinstall it..." First I had to find my cd-rom that came with my Verizon air card... that took me half an hour... so I reinstalled it and it still didn't work. "Ahh, fuck... I have to call Verizon."

I hate calling for tech support. It's lame. But I called and 28 minutes later (exactly) I was back online. That left me only half an hour to check all my shit, so I posted a temp blog and just checked everything real quick.

Verizon isn't on my good list right now. After I was done the guy told me to ignore the updates becuase a lot of people have had that problem lately... I was like, "great, now you told me!"

Also, today Jennifer's phone broke... that's 2 in one week!! She was just texting Leticia and then her messages now just say "thanks"-- I can't describe it, but it ain't working!!

I got through about 1/4 of the lyrics I had to sort yesterday... you can see a video of them at -- it's the latest video. Man... so I went through all of the notebooks and tore out all the lyrics and now I'm sorting them into "good" and "bad" piles... "good" means it's going to LA with me and "bad" means it's just not... LOL Jennifer asked me a great question last night and that was, "what makes a lyric good?"

I mean, I was ripping pages left and right and tossing them into piles and I just "knew" if it was good or bad... I mean, I had one lyric that was something to the effect of "the paparazzi wanna take pictures of me/but I don't care if I make on TMZ..." or something retarded like that and I just thought, "did I write that when I was drunk???" You know? And then there was one that was incredible and it was called, "Long Ago".

I've been trying for years to put my experiences about my seperation from my mother into song and even Quan said that I really should because for me personal experiences are the ones that are going to be hits... that's why everyone loves "What's Wrong With You?" so much, because it actually happened, you know? But for me, I am so scared of hurting people's feelings, especially my mothers and I'm not mad at her for what happened, but I keep writing these songs about it. I think "Long Ago" will be the one to make the cut.

So the guy I had a breakfast date with the other day... he asked me for my ring size today... oh gawd. Why do they all go 100 mph??

Tonight I'm sorting more lyrics. I'm in phase 2. I presorted them, now I'm sorting them (good and bad) and then I'm going to organize them (whole complete songs, partial songs and snippet lyrics. Sometimes I just get 2 lines in my head... and then sometimes I'm writing and I can't think of the next line -- that's when I turn to those 2 line lyrics.) After that I'll be in phase (counts) 4 -- writing... I'm going to need 3 seperate notebooks for all of this. Oh lord. I have a long way to go.

My hands are dry -- I need lotion.

It's almost time for Jennifer to get off work, yaaay!

Pic of the Day:

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Justin filming The Open Road in Corpus Cristi, TX.

It's inappropriate to say how this picture makes me feel.


1 comment:

Tina said...
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