Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Time Goes By... So Slowly

"Love me or hate me it's still an obsession,
Love me or hate me, that is the question,
If you love me then, thank you,
If you hate me then, fuck you..."

Thank God it's Wednesday! I'm exhausted.

Work was lame last night, it was nice to get off at 8p, though, I actually really liked that. Then I just sat in the lobby and played on my computer for a while.

I finally spoke with my producer... was it just yesterday I was talking about that? I think maybe... or no, I was talking about the documentary. I can't remember if I was talking about my producer or not...

His name is Fortune and he's incredible. He lives in LA and I'm flying out there in June, I believe, to work with him for a week or so. Just me... Jenn can't go because she's a stupid manager at McDonalds and can't take off that much work. Oh well, I'm stoked.

I sit here and fantasize about it several times a day. Isn't that sad? I'm just very excited to do it. My manager has known Fortune for about 10 years or so and Fortune was more than happy to work with me. He likes my style and my work ethic.

Haha... isn't that incredible? Someone saying they like my work ethic? Ha... I have absolutely no drive whatsoever at McDonalds to do anything except get paid and not get yelled at -- but when it comes to music... well music isn't "work." Music is life.

I wish I had more plans to share with you on LA, but it's still in the process of being worked out between our schedules and stuff... I don't have a plane ticket or anything. LOL But when I do you bet your sweet scooper that I will let you know!

I get paid from McD today... that's a yay... of course Jenn's check goes straight to her parents which is superdumb... mine just has to pay for the cell phone bill. Ehh, I wish that was free... Tonight her parents are taking her grocery shopping. I made the list... I made a great list. List's are something that I'm very talented at. :-)

I'm so hungry. No food here til 7p when Jenn gets home.

I'm so tired. I wasn't ready to get up yet.

I want White Castle.

I'm being incredibly random right now...

Pic of the Day:

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Neil Patrick Harris is AWESOME. It seems like it's taken forever for this damn movie to come out. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle is one of my favorite movies and I about shit myself when I found out that they were doing a sequel.

This promo poster is as real as it gets. NPH on a Unicorn.


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Tina said...
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