Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Am The American Dream

"Do I have to change my name?
Will it get my far?
Should I lose some weight?
Am I gonna be a star?"

Yesterday I had my first day of work. I was told by the manager that I had orientation with that I would be watching videos and then doing small things and whatnot... so I'm basically following Jennifer around like a puppy dog and I don't want to watch videos so she just puts me on drinks with this white trash girl that talks to much.

I have OCD and so I'm putting the lids on specifically and lining them up specifically and this chick is dancing around like a lunatic and then she said something about how precise I was and I said that I had OCD... she said "oh yeah, I have OCD like baaaad." and I was like, "no, I don't think you do..." I never noticed an obsessive behavior once with her in the 4 or 5 hours I was with her... I always did my tasks the same and lined everything up in the same spots and she just was very sloppy with everything.

Now, I know that her being sloppy doesn't mean that she doesn't have OCD, but I can usually tell and I didn't see it with her at all.

I was supposed to work until 9p but I ended up staying until 12a. I have 35 hours next week. That's good because all this work is going to help get us on the right track and get us to Las Vegas in October.

I was going to explain more about Vegas in October, but actually I have to get ready to go out. I'm going out with a few friends tonight for Snake Saturday - a St. Patty's Day thing down in Northtowne.

Perhaps tomorrow I'll tell you about Vegas... perhaps not. I'm not sure if I'm working or not. Hopefully yes, hopefully no... I don't know!

See you kiddies later.

No Pic of the Day today... I can't get TinyPic to load. I'll do two tomorrow.


1 comment:

Tina said...
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