Saturday, September 6, 2008

Would You Want Me When I'm Not Myself

"Shut the fuck up, she said
I'm going fucking deaf, you're always too loud,
Everything's too loud..."

Well, thank you Kristi for joining my blog movement. :D Means a lot to me.

My step mom emailed me and basically said, "fuck your blog..." (Just not in so many words.) That's all I have to say about that.

Yesterday was interesting. I went to the library to print off something I need for a later date to do something else... (haha aloof much?!) Then I took a very long drive. It was very nice outside and I just blasted the radio and talked to Rae on txt/email. I loved it.

When I got home I found a Heath Ledger in my mailbox! YAY! Okay, okay... it wasn't Heath himself, ofc... but I did get my 3rd favorite Heath movie in the mail yesterday... the Brothers Grimm!

After I finish this blog I'm going to take a bath and then I'm going to watch the other movie I rented -- Divine Secrets Of The Ya Ya Sisterhood... I remember when it came out, but I can't for the life of me remember what it's about... mothers and daughter... great, should be fun...

Yesterday I also rented Batman Returns, which I remember seeing in the theaters and it scared the crap out of me. Its by far one of the best Batman's... I actually think that it's my 2nd favorite Batman, right behind the Dark Knight, of course.

(And if you're wondering, yes The Dark Knight is my favorite Ledger film. -- I have been O B sessed with Batman since I was a baby, so Batman and Heath Ledger together = the perfect film!! My 2nd favorite Heath Ledger film is Candy, which I adore but it's too expensive to buy at the moment.)

While I watch the film I'm going to take my time in straightening my hair and then I'm going to take new photos -- some for y'all, some for myspace and facebook. I haven't posted new ones in a long while and thought it would be nice to take some new photos that actually look like me. LOL

I had my first Cinnamelt from McDonalds last night -- those things are so good, and so bad for you too. *don't look at the box!*

Pic O Tha Day, O Tha Day!

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OMG! It's not Heath!! LOL

Last night Justin performed at Fashion Rocks in NYC and he looked gooooooooooood. ;-)

I love the black on black on black and the shades? Oooh yes. XD

I loveees it. Good job, sweetie!



1 comment:

Gemma said...

that man is a hot mess... *drools*