Thursday, September 18, 2008


So I reckon this is post two of today...

As the numbers go down on the scale a few times each day, I kept putting off taking a photo of myself.

On July 19th I posted this photo of myself:::

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No one said anything specific about the photo, but whatevs. ;-)

Now, today -- I weigh 267 and I decided to take another photo of myself.

Here's a different photo from the same day -- July 19 @ 284 lbs.


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That's today. Is it just me or are there WORLDS of difference there. I never noticed before just how much about 20 lbs could do. Crazy.

I'm not stopping here. ;-) I hope to be down to at least 250 by Las Vegas in 23 days. Waay doable.

Please comments and stuff!



Anonymous said...


20 lbs is a lot lot lot boo, be proud of everything you lose. Did you know 5 lbs is the size of a bag of flour or sugar? So for every 5 you lose, take a bag of sugar off your body and that's what it looks like

I'm so proud :) don't rush anything, you don't wanna end up looking baggy and stretched, ewie!

Love you loads


Gemma said...

THAT is spitching.

you already know my thoughts ;)

lovers you