Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Eat Antipasta Twice Just Because She Is So Nice...

"Boys and girls pretend to know me, they try so hard
And I get what I want, my name is my credit card
Don't try to hate me because I am so popular..."

I started this page to make a blog hours ago... for some reason today I don't have the right words, so I think I'll just leap and start typing.

I put the stickers on the van today. I realize that I promised to show you pics of the outside of it, but keep in mind that Jenn has the car from 5a-1a when she's working, thus I cannot take pics. LOL I reckon I could have taken pics of it when I was putting the stickers on it, but I just didn't.

Jenn said, "no more eBay until after Vegas..." oops... I'm bidding on 5 auctions... I get bored and wander over there... LOL But!! Nothing I'm bidding on is more than $3. ;-) I'm a smart eBayer.

Today is 14 days until Vegas. You have no idea how nervous/anxious/scared/excited/stoked I am. No idea...

Talked to Rae for a hot second today... new plan. I think LA is out the window now... Now I think we're moving to New York. Honestly? I don't think I'm ready for NYC, I think it'll be more expensive than Jennifer or Rae realizes, but what can I say? I'm outnumbered. Sure, we can spend the same amount on rent that we were planning to for LA, but we're also going to get a smaller place... I just need space for my studio and I'll shut up.

Jenn can't wait to take the train everyday... I don't mind the train, but I adore my car. I can't live without a car... driving is what clears my head, you can't take that away from me.

I'm not knocking moving to New York -- so don't think that, I've got three years to go and we're going to NY in Jan/Feb and after I'm there again I will feel better about it... I was just severely looking forward to being surrounded by beautiful beaches, dolphins, nice people, driving distance to Las Vegas, glitter, vegetarians, and all that Hollywood has to offer.

There are many things for me to look forward to in New York. Jenn wants to move there, Rachel wants to move there and my friends are more important to me than where I live.

Jenn and I were going over outfit options together today... I *think* I might be alright on em. I think I'm only going to be able to afford one new dress before Vegas... or a pair of pants.

I'm hungry... as people like to point out, that's my own fault. I wish some people would just stop eating for one or two days to see how refreshing it is... anyhowwww...

I think I'm just getting myself in trouble with this blog.


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No, the lips aren't a manipulation... they were *really* that color.

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Showed that one to Jenn... I just stare at it. It's a part of him, he took that. It's not like the photography is outstanding or I'm just amazed at it, I'm just in awe that it's his. (Although I do like the texture of it.)

Then Jenn pointed this out...

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It's how I do.

Clip of the Day:

*this is where my blog title comes from*

Oh Momma, Zooma Zooma...




Anonymous said...


Yeah that blog totally just depressed me.

Babe, if you want to go to LA then GO! Don't let me stand in your way! This is your life as much as it is mine and even though I trust you enough to acutally live with you, I refuse to let you live somewhere you hate.

If LA is for you, then move to LA. I'll eventually be there a few years after NYC so our paths can cross then.

I'm all of a sudden no longer excited for NYC, instead I feel like an asshole. Kinda like King Kong stomping all over someone's Cloud 9 LMAO.

Do what's best for Ms. Platz. I can either beg someone to live with me or brave the city on my own. I want everyone to be happy and not forcefully happy, I mean TRULY happy. If NY does not make you happy, then go where makes you happy. Why not Vegas? It makes you happy, no? :)

Love you lots and lots


Gemma said...

Ohh yeah!! do what Rae said! move to vegas... thats the PERFECT excuse for both of us to vacay out there LOL

Personally i dont see a diff with LA/NYC, just the weather.

I agree with Rachel, do what ever makes you happy!

luvs xx