Monday, September 15, 2008

Follow Through

"I've got a house but I need new furniture,
Why spend mine when I can spend yours?"


Do I have anything to talk about?

Not really... just thought I should have an update.

You know how sometimes people have a specific style? I can't seem to put mine into words. I am the everything girl. I'm preppy, chic, punk, casual, scene, dressy, frilly. I don't know... The one thing that always remains the same is that it's usually pink... and it's always me.

I feel sometimes odd since I don't have a one specific style... :S

Well I'm supposed to take some photos of Jasmine, so I reckon I'll go...

Pic of The Day:

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Where do I even begin with this photo?!

...Oh, wait... that's right... I can't even begin.

Clip of The Day:

Heath talks about A Knight's Tale... one of the cutest interviews evar.


1 comment:

Gemma said...

that 'tview was the best!

i love ya