Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Beginnings

"Oh, I've been travelin' on this road too long,
Just tryin' to find my way back home,
The old me's dead and gone,
Dead and gone..."

*repeat forever* I fucking love it. It literally knocked my socks off (hence the bare feet.)

Today was a pretty good day. In the mail I got some Heath. ;-) I'm Not There. WOO! I loveeee that movie. If you haven't seen it then get to steppin' over to Blockbuster and rent it. (It's only at Blockbuster.)

Jenn and I went to look at cars today and her dad had promised that she would get to choose from a Chevy, an Oldsmobile and a van... Needless to say, we weren't feeling the van. But long story very short -- we're getting the van.

It's actually really nice. It's got a sweet CD player, AC, doors on both sides, and I'm going to sweetly dub it "The Loser Cruiser". ;-) I might as well make pink lemonade out of the lemons that life has given us.

Speaking of turning life into pretty pink lemonade -- I've been taking my vitamins and anti-depressants for about 3 or 4 days consecutively.

I can finally say for the first time in my life -- I am happy.

My life has been going all kinds of fantastic. I have nothing, nothing, nothing to complain about. Just a week ago I was depressed, and it's wonderful how a couple little gray pills can make you see the rainbow on the other side of the rain, isn't it?

The only part about my day that was bad yesterday was that I was particularly weak to food. But I refused to give in. I am not going to let something so small as FOOD ruin my life anymore.

Yesterday morning Jennifer and I spent an hour or so on the couch drinking coffee and laughing. It was the most fun that I have had with her in a long time.

Jenn and I were on our way to the mall yesterday before going to see the cars when we were going to make a stop at the library to return two DVD's -- I spotted a car and I said "that's like Rae's car, only hers is a two door, and it's a convertible and it's not dirty." LOL and Apparently Jenn was listening more to the radio than me because she picked up her phone and started calling the radio station and won the Love Guru on DVD! :D Crazy, right?! I was sitting there talking about Rae and Jenn goes and wins the DVD. Freaky... anyhow so we canceled the mall and went to pick up the DVD and we got this pass to go to this exclusive shopping thing -- I can't remember when it is... and we also got 2 coupons for a free burrito at Chipotle. We're going to save them for Vegas and eat there and we're going to split the burrito bowls there. ;-) Sweet.

Yo, now I'm stoked for Chipotle.

Last night I went to see The Dark Knight for the 8th time and probably the last time in the theater. All was fine and I was all alone in the big ol' theater until the movie started and this couple came in. :-( I wanted to have Heath all to myself. Poop.

It was interesting... watching it this time - knowing literally every word in the movie - I seemed to watch Heath differently, but one thing was the same... his first line... "what doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger." It was like he was saying it for the first time. I got chills all over. :)

It's like... when you're in a relationship, or friendship for that matter and you have this moment where you realize you still love the person because they still have the ability to surprise you -- it was like that for me. You can't help your emotions, your feelings, your chills... so it amazed me, surprised me that the movie can still do that after 8 times and all these months.

I can't wait for the re-release. ;-)

Plans for today, today, today... let's see. I woke up at 530 after only sleeping a few hours. I'll probably be up the rest of the day. (I got an adrenaline rush with a new Justin song. ;-) Haven't felt that in a while.) I'm having coffee again with Jennifer this morning, I'mma wake her up at 9. Then I don't really know what all we're doing. We need to go to the post office, the library and unpack some more while Jennifer has a day off. At 330 I'm going to Panera to have a cup or so of coffee so Jennifer can have some alone time.

Pic of the Day:

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Mr. HL 5 years ago picketing against the war on Iraq.

5 years later we're still at war and we're missing Heath.

Clip of the Day:

"You gotta do everything yourself..."



Gemma said...

Oh my my my my my..

im like O B ssessed with that sing.. like frm the minute i got it its on repeat.. im just in LOVE with it!!

yay for the dvd.. im not keen on the movie but will buy it anyway to add to my justins collection ;)

im SO SO SO glad your happy! it makes me beam

i love you spitch xxxxx

Anonymous said...

yay it was fate! you were talking about me when you won something Justin related!!! wooo :)

You were happy when you were here with me, don't forget about that ;)

I have a 3 for 1 deal...I got new Justin, Christina, and David to look forward to by the end of the year!!!! YAYYAYAYAYAYAYYYY

I adore that Heath pic. World peace bro, world peace

Love youuuuuu
