Friday, January 16, 2009

We All Break The Same

"Come on can I dream for one day
There's nothing that can't be done?
But how long should it take somebody,
Before they can be someone?"

I have felt really close to Bella lately. I'm not exactly sure why, though. I just feel like we've bonded a lot in the past 6 months or so. She's been eating a lot more, I didn't realize that her appetite grew... and she's been snuggling with me a lot more. Not that I'm complaining at all!!

I'm still on my download kick. Downloaded 5 or so more albums yesterday. Music keeps me happy. :-) Plus, it's cheap. ;-)

I think this blog will be pretty short, I'm actually quite stoked to get to the playlist and video for today... you'll see.

The camera [link] that I've been saving up to get went down in price, which helps me out even more... Not that I'm anywhere close to buying it! I hope to have it in March... hope. If not March I should have it in April for shizzle.

'Only' 269 days until Vegas...

I tried to start that fan fic that I talked about a few days ago last night, but there were too many distractions for my poor ADD filled mind. LOL Perhaps I'll get some writing done today. I still have to watch last night's ABC shows since I hung out at McD last night with Jennifer and missed the first airing of them.

We bought School of Rock the other day, I love that film. Jack Black is hilarious and that movie is super cute.

Alright, clearly I'm not talking about anything, I'm just too excited to get to the music portion of the day.

Playlist - Featured Artist: Mute Math

I saw Mute Math open for Matchbox 20 last year and they blew my mind away. Not only do they have incredible music, they are exceptional performers. (Plus the drummer is FACE MELTING, annnnd from Missouri!)

All of their songs are catchy, meaningful and innovative. They are excellent musicians.

Here's a video that I took of them live last year, watch it to see how incredible the drummer is, watch until the end... or come back to this video after you watch the actual "video of the day"... you will...

Here's a tribute to Heath that I made to their song, "You Are Mine" which describes my love for Heath perfectly.

1. Typical (video is awesome, featured below.)
2. Noticed (Love song, "I can't believe I never noticed my heart before" very catching.)
3. Chaos (For whatever reason, this song mellows me out.)
4. Break The Same ("we all feed doubts, what a shame, when only tears remind us we all break the same."
5. Spotlight (featured in the Twilight movie and on the soudtrack. Uber catchy)

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The video that you HAVE to watch:

If everything I just said wasn't a selling point for you on Mute Math, if you didn't listen to any of the songs posted above, please, please, please -- just watch this video. I swear to you within the first 10 seconds you'll be determined to watch it to the end.

The video is for the song "Typical" and it's a backwards video... (so the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end...) But it's not like the Beyonce "Me, Myself and I" video... no, not at all... it's still forwards...

Mute Math learned to sing and play their instruments backwards so that everything would look correct in it.

This will bend your mind.


Alright, I'm done pushing for today, tell me what you thought!!!


1 comment:

Vessy said...

Wow, this band is amazing! The video is cool.