Friday, October 3, 2008

Here Comes The Sun

"Of your secrets, I have lots
I keep them in my locked box,
You were wrong this time
But you can never know,
Cuz I promised myself
That I would never show

I won't let you love me
I can't let you leave
I can't stand the sight of you
And you can't stand the thought of me"

Well kids, how we be?

8 days until Las Vegas... Does it feel like it?


Am I the least bit prepared?

Of course not.

I realized on Bella's birthday that my camera battery was capped at his max. It was a terrible realization. :-( I didn't get very many pictures of Bella on her birthday at all... but she did manage to have a good one. She had a hamburger, we got her 2 new toys (a seahorse and a squid guy) a pumpkin blanket and new bacon treats! At the end of the day we had some vanilla cake and we sang her happy birthday.

I can't believe she's already three. This must be how mothers feel. It's insane.

Jenn got her new glasses! She's soo cute! They make her look amazing... her old ones were ghey.

I got my Heath Ledger GQ in the mail on Wednesday... says right on the parcel "DO NOT BEND" what do they do? Practically fold it to fit it in the mailbox... *mad* That was rude and uncalled for... don't worry, Heath's okay.

I've read some of my Heath book... it's so far very good and informative. :-) Thank you again Miss Gemma. I also haven't read the articles I got like a month ago, I haven't done anything with the Dark Knight or Ned Kelly poster that I got. Geez. I need help. LOL

I got 3 shirts on clearance on Wednesday from Target. 2 of them are polos one is pink and the other is pink and black... they actually look good on me. LOL And then I got this black shirt that I can't really explain but as soon as I put it on I knew I wanted to wear it to Coyote Ugly... LOL If that tells you anything about it. LOL

Jenn and I were sorting clothes on Wednesday and I found this scarf and it can soooo go with the new black shirt that I'm wearing to Coyote Ugly... just later in the week. LOL I'm not wearing a scarf to a country bar. Fuck that.

Today I looked cute. I wore this pair of jeans that I despise, but everyone complimented me. I wore this black tank top that is probably too small for me, since it doesn't cover my stomach and I'm totally Britney Spearsing it. LOL But no worries for the general public, I wore my blue zip up jacket that I wore to LA over it. It was cute. :-)

Later when I went to pick Jenn up from work I changed the tank top under it, put my cream colored scarf on and *gasp* wore tennis shoes!! ...Okay, okay... I give... they were pink Converse, but they had laces and I needed to wear socks! I'm making progress... LOL Usually you can't pay me to shove my damn feet in real shoes. Fuck shoes.

I took Jenn downtown today to take care of her license being suspended thing. She paid the whatever she owed but we have to go down to the actual DMV to reinstate her license... which we couldn't do today so we have to do Saturday... I told her that I was taking her to work tomorrow, which I did today because I had a follow up eye appt and the only time he could see me was when Jenn was at work... anyhow... I told her I was taking her to work and she said no... I told her not to call me from jail because I was sick of it.

When we both had suspended licenses she was caught twice driving while suspended... any more and they aren't going to be so lenient.

Anyhow... She gets it back Saturday morning.

Somehow I'm not registered to vote, btw... LOL doing that Saturday morning as well, which the 4th is the cut off date. I'll be pissed if I can't vote in this election because this one seems to be the election of a lifetime.

I'm done...


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His laugh, his smile... my God... it could cure cancer.

Alright, ya ya... you're right... it's not THAT great... the only thing I know that can cure cancer is Bella's kisses... hence, why I don't have cancer. ;-)

Instead of a clip today, I'll just give you two pics. LOL

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When I hear the word "perfect" - you're all that comes to mind.


1 comment:

Gemma said...

hehe that was a nice blog!

take me coyote PLEAZZZZZE I BEG U!!!!

u wore SOCKS? *gasp*

Heath looks like David Beckham in the 1st pic haha.

i love u xxx