Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finish What We Started

"Yes indeed I'm alone again,
And here comes emptiness crashing in,
It's either love or hate, I cant find in between
Cuz I've been witches and I have been with a Queen
It wouldn't have worked out either way
So now it's just another lonely day..."

Didn't feel so good today, so I napped most of it away. Had some good naps. Last night or the night before I had a dream I was being buried alive... let's look up what that means.

"To dream that you are being buried alive suggests that you are being undermined or stifled in some way"

Ooh... well I can pick out a few things that would say that. Kinda shitty...

So today is 5 days until Las Vegas... I posted that I was going to the after party on Friday (which is 10 days from today!) I posted it on myspace too and whaddaya know?! Like, no one said anything. LMFAOOO I told Jenn that this morning and she said "well, they hate you, you know that?" LOL Yes yes, I know you hate me.

I wanna take a long hot bath tonight. I think that sounds like a plan.

I think I'm finally on my way to being prepared for Vegas. I was on VisitVegas.com last night and they have this feature called "be anyone" since in Vegas -- it's a whirlwind and no one knows who you are... you can literally BE ANYONE.

They have a whole site devoted to helping you fake it as someone else, including webistes and phone numbers to make you believeable.

Now the only difference between this and what I've done on past trips is that this one has credentials. LOL My friends and I started taking on alter-ego's on the Orlando trip down to see NSYNC's Challenge for the Children charity in 2002. I was Brooklyn... which, I am not so crazy about that name now. LOL All we did was have different names... with this we're going to be different people.

I think I will look at this more along the lines of acting. This will give me a chance to step outside everything that inhibits Chloe and I can focus on what [insert name] would be like.

As far as being ready goes I have clubs picked out for which days, my planner is completly booked, I have my tickets at the ready, list of restaurants we're going to and places to drink. I have phone numbers and confirmation codes for flights and hotels... but we still need to get clothes done. LOL I know SOME of the outfits I'm wearing, but I need to haul my suitcases downstairs (still not unpacked from Ohio...) and tonight we're sorting through which clothes we're taking and starting the awseome process of washing them all.

Last time we were in Vegas (wow we had a wonderful bed...) I took two suitcases and we were only there for 24 hours. This time we're taking 2 suitcases each (something unheard of for Jennifer) and we're there for EIGHT days.

Longest I was ever in Vegas for was 3 nights, 4 days in 2001 for the Billboard Awards... we ran out of stuff to do.. of course I was 17... LOL

So... enough with Vegas for the moment... yesterday I got Casanova in the mail and watched it seconds after unwrapping it. I hadn't seen it, mainly for the fact that I couldn't find it anywhere! It wasn't AWFUL... but it's last on my list of Heath movies.

There were some scenes that I loved... like when he's arrested and nearly hanged the guy in charge of him arresting him goes "sex with a novice" (when reading his charges...) and Heath mumbles, "oh she was hardly a novice..."

Then when he gets engaged to the only virgin left in Venice and she's just crawling out of her skin to sleep with him... they're at Carnival and she hides under the table (she wasn't supposed to be there...) and he's looking for her. She pulls his legs and makes him sit in the chair and begins to... well... satisfy him to his surprise. Heath's reaction is just priceless and hilarious.

My last favorite scene actually reminded me of The Brothers Grimm (not only for the fact that Sienna Miller's name is Francesca...) Anyhow... at the end of the movie she holds out her hand for him to kiss and as he bends down to kiss it she draws it away... she smiles up at him and their mouths open and just nearly touch like they're breathing with each other. Finally they fall into each others kiss and it's completely romantic and sexy. I loved it. I rewound it like 4 times.

Anyhowwww... it's about time to wrap it all up here. Here's your pics of the day:

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My busy, busy week. On the left is the tournament schedule.

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On the right is details for everything and everything else...

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On the left is the tournament schedule, in the middle is my list for restaurants and bars, a letter from the tournament with addresses and phone numbers and information regarding the party... and on top of it all is the tickets for the show. Woo!



Rae said...

You never unpacked from Ohio because you'll just be coming back in April ;) we could've just washed your clothes here but I understand that you have a trip between now and then.

I didn't comment your post on myspace because I had commented on here and we had texted about it LOL

Sunday will be here before you know it *squeals* oh my my my!!!!!

Feel better babe! :-D

Loves you*

Rae said...

MY BIRTHDAY IS ON YOUR CALENDAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!