Friday, October 24, 2008


"You sit there and call me, a liar and a cheat,
I just wish you'd pin the rose on me,
Now you won't even come out and take a bow
Crying won't help you now..."

(I wish that was a whole song instead of an interlude. I adore it.)

When I woke up it was 53 degrees in the house... That's fucking cold, y'all. It was 51 outside. Ya, ya... time to turn on the heat. :-( I did.

Jenn and I bought a couch and a chaise yesterday... say whatthefuck? Yeah... it was an impulse buy, if you believe that. Haha... It's being delivered today, I believe... Between 2 and 4... why do they do that shit?! Crazy.

The couch is black, which should go nicely with the blonde dog we have. haha... the chaise is zebra. Hahaa... I usually abstain from animal prints, but it called my name loudly... "JODIEEEE! TAKE MEEEE!" and so I said "okay, zebra chaise, I shall take you home and call you mine..." It has black and zebra pillows. I can't wait to get it.

Then tonight we're going to actually try and move some shit around so we can have a proper living room and such.

I made lasagne the other night... I guess that was Wednesday. Jenn loves my lasagne and I don't make it very often, because it's actually pretty expensive to make... Next time I make lasagne I told her I was going to try something different. I was going to make my alfredo sauce and alternate layers with red sauce, plus ricotta, cottage cheese, italian cheeses, spinach and tomato slices...

I've never tried it before, but it sounded like a good idea. haha...

38 days until my birthday... Jesus... can you believe how close that is? That's pretty fucking crazy. Jenn and I have been bouncing things around to do for my birthday. I would like to have my housewarming party before my birthday... speaking of which, tomorrow is Stephy's housewarming/birthday party... she's the person who introduced Jennifer and I and amazingly enough, I remembered to text her on her birthday which was the 18th - when I was in Vegas. I think it probably helped that I had to text Rae the day before so I was in full birthday mode. haha

SO my birthday... let's see... dinner. Um, where do I wanna go for dinner? Originally I thought about Kona Grill... which still sounds really great, I've never been there. I also thought of PF Changs... which I fucking love... sooo delish. Um... I think those are the only two places I'm interested in at the moment.

Drinks and such... Ummmm... Velvet Dog, which I've never been to but back in 2002 just a week or so after my 18th birthday Uncle Kracker's crew asked me to take em there. Haha, he got on the table, kissed me and started to beg. It was pathetic and awesome. The Empire Room is open for dancing across the street from the Dog and then there's this -- Which is 5 bars all in the same block. Never been to a-one of em, but who knows. Birthday, right?!?

Now what do I want for my birthday? Last year I asked for pink and Playboy stuff... This year... oh this year... um... well I have a few things that I really want: the iPod touch, gym membership, ANYTHING Heath, booze, glasses to put booze in, a magic bullet (the kitchen appliance, not the vibrator LOL) DVDs, pink and shiney things, a new Chihuahua, a cat, a bunny rabbit, a keyboard, new microphone, mic stand, PS2 and Guitar Hero... and of course anything I don't get for my birthday, just carry that on to xmas.

Anyhow... I think I already know one gift I'm getting from Jennifer. She's so bad at surprises. Just one I would love to be surprised.

Jennifer and I have been talking about our trips we're taking within the next few months. After we get back from our February trip(s) we're going on lockdown to save for Vegas 09 -- which actually, in the car on Wednesday we were talking about how much it would cost to do Vegas the way we really wanted to and I think the number we came up with was $4000, which surprised the hell outta me since that's not that much money... But I'm not sure if that included Timbertix and we're not sitting in the last row this next year, so we'll pretend that number is $5000 -- which still isn't that much money, I don't think.

Speaking of cash money, yo -- I'm sure I mentioned it somewhere in here but I'm going to start watching Jasmine's kids. She gets help from the state for childcare and so she has to pay me $5 out of pocket for them each day (per kid) and then I get a check in the mail for the rest of it, of course no matter how many times I ask, I can't seem to find an answer on how much that will be. LOL Well, it's more than nothing.

I did Jenn's hair last night... I know what you're thinking, didn't you just do it before Vegas? Yes, sir I did... but Jenn insisted on buying the cheap red dye for her hair and it was practically washed out by the time the end of the week came along... then after seeing Rachael (she always does this...) she wanted to go black. So voila! Jenn's got black hair again. I like her black her, it's hot and hella easier than her stupid blonde and red shit. I fucking hate doing that, but hey, I'm good at it.

Next Wednesday (I believe) I'm doing my hair... I'm not gonna tell ya what I'm doing either, unless I already did... hahaha I had a dream about it in Vegas and ever since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I can't fucking wait!!! AHH! It's gonna be sexxxual.

Pic O Tha Day:

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I've been neglecting him. I miss you.


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