Thursday, April 17, 2008


"keep bending me until I'm completely broken in..."

I'm sorry I didn't keep my word on updating yesterday... I got so sidetracked. I would like to update my blog from my BlackBerry, since it takes up most of my time now, but the site is too large to load on it. Oh well...


I've been a lot of colors in this black and white world.
I've been orange for most but that just hasn't helped me much at all.
I was red for the longest time but it faded back into orange.
Now it's clear to me that I'm just green.
A touch a purple now and then, but I try to just stay focused.
Green, green, green
And I'm sure one day I'll be red again
But it'll be a long time coming until I can be yellow.

Pic of the day?

Ahh, cba.



Anonymous said...

LOL lazy cow!! updates already! i love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tina said...
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