Friday, April 25, 2008

More Than Your Heart Can Take (19)

"I'm taking my heart and I'm setting it free
And baby now you're just another song to me
And the edge of your sword isn't sharp enough for me to bleed..."

Oh, yesterday was stressful and eventful. Thankfully it's over now and I'm full steem ahead, Omaha.

I finally dyed my hair last night. Jennifer had to freaking wait until 4a to even start it... maybe a little before it. I didn't go to bed until 530a and I woke up at 1230p -- that's odd for me. I shoulda slept longer.

I got up and watched Ugly Betty (mediocre, but I'm excited to see what happens with Renee...) and Grey's Anatomy (freaking amazing!!! It was shocking. FANTASTIC!)

Let's see if I can write down everything I have to do today and then hopefully remember it:

-Wash hair again, take bath.
-Wash Bella, clip and paint her nails, clean her ears.
-Pack for Bella (don't forget dog bed.)
-Mani/Pedi Jennifer
-Clean kitchen/take out trash
-Get DVDs for travel
-Burn CDs for trip/Tina (almost forgot that one!)
-Buy liquor
-Cash my check

Crap, and I want to take a nap. I think I'm going to finish my blog, burn my CDs and take a nap. I'm still tired. I think I got up just because I wanted to see Grey's Anatomy... ;-) I've got a shitload to do tonight.

Jennifer won't be home until 1 probably and we'll have another late night packing and getting ready, of course Jennifer didn't even go to bed last night!!! She's going to be super tired when she gets home, but she has to pack and we have to mani/pedi. There's of course stuff on that list that I can't do until Jennifer gets home because she has the car...

I'll nap for a while and then Bella and I will get in the bath and get all beautified. I'll do her nails, then my toes and then my nails. LOL Do the acrylic last!! LOL

Pic of the Day:

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Seeping puppeh in a drawer space. Cuter than that? Nothin.


1 comment:

Tina said...
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