"Sucker love is heaven sent
You pucker up our passions spent
My hearts a tart, your body's rent
My body's broken, yours is bent
Carve your name into my arm
Instead of stressed I lie here charmed,Cuz there's nothing else to do,
Every me and every you"So last night was the concert/after party at Prive. It was all definitely an experience... we got to Planet Hollywood after feeling like we were going to throw up... well at least Jennifer and I.
I get so nervous and worked up to see Justin sometimes that it makes me literally sick. I love this man with everything I have and the fact that this is the ONLY show we'll get to see of him this year and until next year -- that makes me sick...
So we get to Planet Hollywood and we had decided earlier instead of coming home at 7a to just go ahead and take the 1a shuttle back to the hotel. We got to our seats and as we came to them we said "OMG". Not a good OMG, an OMG-we're-in-literally-the-last-row, OMG. haha... we knew the seats weren't going to be that great, but I did expect there to be rows behind us. It actually turned out to be a good thing because I could record videos all I wanted and no one was there to bother me.
We had a fantastic view. The venue only holds 7500 people, so it was a pretty small show. All the people in front of us were in their 30s and didn't care to stand up, so standing was optional which I didn't do for much of the show except Rihanna and Timberlake.
Jonas Brothers came on first and oh geez... I sat there and said to Jennifer "what is happening?" LOL Nick is TOO whiney. It's just plain wrong. They sang 4 songs... Next was Stomp! That was a nice surprise... very very cool. Leona Lewis came out and sang 3 songs, she was very awkward but sounded great.
Esmee came out next and sang 2 songs, including one with Justin which I recorded -- she seemed too nervous.
Justin had his fun introducing Boyz II Men, who were amazing... it was like they were 10 years ago... crazy. They're amazing.
Rihanna opened with Rehab, which was wonderful... unfortunately she didn't sing "Disturbia" which I was looking forward to and I was going to record for Gemma. :-(
There was a small intermission and then Justin came out and opened with Like I Love You. I thought he was going to do a short set, like 5 or so songs, but he practically did his whole FSLS set list. Adam "This Love" with him, Justin got to sing all the dirty lines. I loved it.
50 Cent came out and did the intro to Sexy Ladies, then they sang Ayo and then Justin left and 50 performed a song I didn't know and In Da Club, which I recorded part of it because go shorty, it was Rachel's bday. ;-)
Justin came back on and forgot the lyrics to LoveStoned. That was kinda weird, actually... he had been drinking on stage, so we'll pretend that's why. haha...
We started to leave right after SexyBack, before which Justin joked that this was the last time he was going to sing this song... what do I see all over today's headline's? "Timberlake Retires SexyBack at Charity Concert"
*rolls eyes a hundred times.* People just don't get his sense of humor.
I get it.
Anyhow, so we're heading out when he heads to the piano. I wasn't pleased to be leaving early, but I did not want to stay on the strip until 7a... the opening chords of Easy resound and I stop dead in my tracks.
First time I saw Justin sing Easy was in Vegas in January 07 and I bawled like a little baby. It's one of my absolute favorite songs and was tied to the end of Take It From Here which is my Justin song... Easy has always reminded me of Justin -- so he started to just sing it and I died.
We walked down a bit and stood near the exit to our level and watched him bring Lionel on stage to sing with him. I cried... of course... haha... I saw Lionel perform in 2004, I think it was... that or 2003. He's legendary, AND, he's a Shriner.
Finally Justin starts What Goes Around and Jenn practically pushes me out and is like, "Now we
really have to go." I was walking out but as I did, my feet and my heart knew that I was doing something wrong... I kept saying, "no, no... this is wrong, this is wrong..." and finally we get fucking outside and thennnnn Leticia is like, "if you wanna stay I can pay for the cab back..."
okaaaaay... so now I just missed What Goes Around and Until The End Of Time for no reason... but yet I was happy that we were going to go to his after party...
We head over to Prive and it's complete chaos. There was absolutely no order whatsoever, everyone was just crowding around the entrance. We had bought tickets to the after party the week before we came, and we had the confirmation number and whatnot, and so did the rest of the people around us, the problem was they were letting people in who weren't on the list at all...
I could probably go on for an hour about what happened outside Prive. There were douches there who didn't know how to run their shit... I stood right by Esmee for a few minutes, which was cool... um... very long story short, we get in at like 130 or something... we see Chris, will.i.am is the DJ (which was loud) and Justin arrived at like 2 something.
Justin arrived and kept his back to the crowd, which I expected. haha... Leticia [poor thing] actually thought Justin was going to socialize or something... Um, no. This wasn't "invite only" had it been like that, perhaps he would have said some words to people, but no -- just as I expected, he stayed in his little area while we stayed in ours.
As Jenn and I were headed for the bathroom (staring at the back of his head gets old quick, I don't care who you are...) Jenn was fucking booking it and I pulled her back and I was like, "Chris..." haha he was standing right there and she just passed him... kinda funny. I leaned in and said "Happy Birthday, baby!!" He said "thanks sweetheart" and then I asked if we could get a pic with him... I told Jennifer she could go first since last time we met Chris in 2005 I ran up to Chris and got a pic with him as he was getting in a cab and she didn't get her pic with him... anyhow so she gets her pic with him and then I do.
Afterwards I mentioned that today was also my BFF Rachel's birthday, but she couldn't be here because she's underage and in Ohio and he laughed and told me to tell her happy birthday for him and that "Libra's are cool." haha...
I took a ton of pics of everything and I'm in the process of loading them up to my myspace, there's no way I can post them all here -- it's just not going to happen, so if you're not a friend on my 'space, you're not going to see them except for the few I decide to make pic's o tha day... sorry... kinda. ;-)
Anyhow, what I was going to say about the pics is that some of them (like ones from nighttime on the strip, or at the concert) are a little too dark so I need to adjust them, so those are going to be the ones loaded last. I can't be bothered to do that shit right now, that's probably going to get done either in the airport on Monday or Tuesday when I'm home spending time with mia Bella.
Be patient and keep checking back.
So I started this blog this morning and then I had to leave to go to work the golf clinic with Justin, which was super cool. I got to meet all these Shriner's kids. They were absolutely wonderful. No matter how sick they are, or what had happened to them in their past, they have these wonderful high spirits.
There was this little girl named Gracie who was just a treat. She said to me, "guess what? Justin put his arm around me twice!" I told her that she was super lucky and I showed her my picture that I got with him on Monday, she said "I have two pictures with him!" hahaa... it was adorable. I didn't feel like upstaging a little girl, so I let her win. ;-)
She told me she's going to go to Stanford and be a lawyer like her big sister. The way she talked about her dreams for the future made me admire her so much.
The kids got to meet Justin and then we gave them all hot dogs, fruits, chips and water... later we passed out Krispy Kreme donuts and "Kid Fuel". (Which is apparently an energy drink for kids... I don't know...)
Later we took them all into the driving range and I got to sit right behind the Shriners kids for the whole clinic which was super cool because no one told me where I should be, I kinda just picked a spot. LOL I was sitting right by Johnny, his wife and his little boy and girl, who were too adorable...
Lynn and Paul (which I actually spoke briefly to Paul earlier in the day) were right behind me and Lynn and I kept laughing at all of Justin's stupid jokes. When Justin wasn't golfing he came and sat right by Johnny, which, as I mentioned -- was right by me. ;-)
Justin did great at the golf clinic... I thought it was going to be more hands on, but it was more about the pros teaching Justin, which -- he's very open to correction. "It felt so right to do it the wrong way" haha, now that I write that out it sounds dirty. LOL Butch Harmon gives Justin private lessons, and I can't remember the name of the golfer, but there was another pro and Justin goes, "does he charge as much as you do?" LOL
It was very cool, I was very, very lucky to be there for that and to get to sit right on the field with them.
After it was over Justin handed out xbox's to all the Shriner's kids. You should have seen Gracie's face!!!!! I got a little teary eyed...
It was a wonderful day -- at the end we handed out water bottle gifts to all the kids and there were extras so I got some for Jennifer and Leti. After we handed out water bottles and whatnot, I got Justin to sign my badge -- which, I got "Justin Timberlake" -- he had just been signing his first name the whole week, so I feel really lucky. I hadn't seen many "Justin Timberlake's" at all, honestly.
Everyone was hanging out to get to meet Justin later (and by everyone, I mean like 10 people because he sat there and talked to this guy for an hour...) So we're all standing there waiting for him to stop talking and I said, "we should go wait by his car..." because, well... he has to get in his car. LOL So we go down there and he walks towards us and the goal is to get Jennifer her first picture with Justin... he's talking to Sonya and Jenn's all "Justin... Justin" and the bodyguard stops!! Hahaha... that was weird... I said, "speak up!" "Justin, can I get my picture with you?" "Sure" and sure enough, woo!!!! Jenn has completed the five!!!!! (A lot with my help, if you ask me, but I'm so proud of her!!!)
We're very happy... twas a successful week and we still have one more day with Justin!!!