Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rock With Me

"Life's the start the middle and the end..."

The other day my pic of the day was j.action playing the trumpet with some stellar Ray Bans on.

Turns out the Ray Bans weren't just a fashion statement...

Yesterday was a busy day... Jennifer finally got her plane ticket. She's coming home the 1st... she gets to spend her whole birthday on a plane... but you know what... it works for her. She loves planes.

Jenn's phone started going insane yesterday, kept restarting and wouldn't let her do anything... so we took it up to the Tmobile store and they were going to order her a new phone, except charge her for shipping... the Tmobile guy goes, "do you have the same phone, let me see it..." so I handed him the phone and he was showing her how to save her contacts to her sim card... he tried to do so with my phone and it restarted itself...

For the next two hours I couldn't do anything and I needed to call my mama to see if I could have her old Tmobile phone now that she got an iPhone. (How does my mama have an iPhone!?!)

So we make it home and I'm saving my contacts to my sim as it restarts again... upon boot up, I have no contacts. No contacts saved to my phone. No contacts saved to my sim. And now I'm slowly regaining all the numbers that I lost, but they won't stay saved to my phone... or my sim.

After I finish this blog I'm getting Jennifer up so we can go to the Tmobile store and I can yell at someone. ;)

I heart yelling.

We got an insane amount of things at Target last night. We're, for the first time ever, not checking anything (since our 1st Monkeys show is literally minutes after our plane lands...) so we had to buy the entire travel aisle...

Last night after all this drama, we did however, have a yummy dinner! We had carnival food! :) Pretzels, corn dogs and nachos. I had beers. Only thing missing was a sno cone!

2 days until Vegas!


1 comment:

Genn said...

As I sit here writing this, I *should* be doing the million things that need to be done in preparation for the vegas. I'm not. I'm slacking. I may force myself to move at any moment however, who knows.

I am very very rawr today, *shaking my head* god help anyone that even thinks of hurting or fucking with any one of them.

I hate that your phones are acting like that, mine does shit like that too and it isn't the same phone. I'm starting to think it's the service and not the phone. *kicks t mobile*

The entire travel aisle? Oh my goodness. I haven't gotten anything from the travel aisle. I was dreading taking all that crap out when they go "take out all liquids" what? shampoo too? "YEP."
But anyway...I guess I need to hit the store today, razors, and the like.

Okay I'll shut up now lol
Goodness I rambled, sorry :(