Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Never Gonna Catch Me

"You say 'don't buy dope from the man you don't know',
I don't know you won't,
Don't get stuck in his pickup truck,
In arms reach from his seat man, you're out of luck..."

Burned the shit outta my finger last night while I was trying to make eggs. :( My Batman bandaid will make it all better. :)

Thursday I'm getting my industrial piercing... I'm so nervous and stoked at the same time. I heard that the first piercing doesn't hurt so bad but then the second one hurts cuz all the blood rushes to your ear... course, then people told me that my tragus was going to "hurt", that my navel was going to "hurt", that my nose was going to "hurt"... that tattoos would "hurt"... I definitely have a higher threshold (and different definition) of pain.

Sometime this week I guess I have to finish clothes shopping for the Vegas. I'm really facking stoked to be out of Misery Missouri. 17 days... 17 days.

Jennifer asked her chairperson for the tournament if she could work more hours... She's now volunteering 65 hours... she wrote a blog about why. Read it (and comment!) here.

In other random news - I hate where I live... again. I hate living with people. I am such a loner... a recluse... that I just can't stand people. Plus, I don't trust anyone. Hate it. Hate it here. Hate it, want to move. Jennifer keeps telling me to "be nice", and to "cut Laura some slack cuz she's pregnant"...

Eh. Idontwanna.

Picture of the Day:
J. Rad and J. Action. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Genn said...

First, never believe what anyone says about piercings and tats, to each their own. You're like me, we have a high pain threshold and there is something beautiful in that pain.
To know that the ends justify the means.
As far as cutting her some slack because she's pregnant?
I love Jenn, but fuck that.
She was a piece of work before she got knocked up, she's a piece of work now and will be after she has that kid.
People don't automatically become
rude, inconsiderate, selfish, petty bitches when an egg gets fertilized.

Poor Jenn and all her heart and work, (will be going there to comment her next).
We does love the Jenn. Her heart is a lot like mine. :)