Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I Know.

"These eyes behold a lot of what these hands cannot..."

16 days until Vegas! Can't wait! Tis all... we'll chat about it later. ;)

Last night was EPICAWESOME. I got to meet one of my Twitterfriends, Sarah. She's basically the cats pajamas. XD

We met at Panera on the Plaza and sat and talked for a few hours about everything from her knitting addiction to Ingram Hill and NSYNC, Twitter and back again to knitting. At the end of the night she gave me a scarf that she made. :) It was soooo sweet of her and I love it! The colors are soo beautiful and it means a lot to me because she MADE it. How cool are people who knit? (The coolest.)

We hope to see each other again when Ingram Hill tours. :) Yayayaya!

Can I just say that Twitter is probably the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me? I would like to just put that out there right now. I've met some of the most badass awesome people in the universe... err... Twitterverse. Twitter for President!

Pic of the Day:
I took this photo outside the MGM Grand in 2007.

16 days and I cannot fucking wait.


Gemma said...

i think i miss u. no. wait. i DO miss u.
cant believe Vegas has come around so fast... where did all the time go?!

love ya Spitch x x

Genn said...

This time has passed so quickly.
Circumstances suck but sweetheart it is going to rock for you no matter the outcome!
Your friend seems like the sweetest person ever, and I'm envious that she got to hang with you, and also because she can knit.
Dammit. I can merely crochet.