Sunday, June 29, 2008

Well That's Not Good

"When I grow up I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies,
I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna have groupies,
When I grow up, be on TV, people know me, be on magazines,
When I grow up, fresh and clean, number one chick when I step on the scene..."

Good day, bad day, good and bad, I guess you can never have one without the other.

Yesterday I did wonderful and didn't eat a damn thing... until Jenn came home and then we had -- wait for it -- pizza... the worst food in the entire world (nutritionally speaking.) So then this morning, regretful of yesterday, I went to the gym and worked out for a little over a half an hour... (got to start somewhere, yes?)

I get home, take a shower, towels on da head and all I can think about is the pizza in the fridge. 4 pieces left over from last night. So I get the pizza out of the fridge and go to my room, I text Jennifer and tell her I'm about to eat it and she's all "NO! DON'T DO IT!" And I know that as soon as I take a bite I'll regret it, but I have a disorder and I cannot stop myself. So I eat it. I tell her that since that was the last of the food in the house that that would be the last thing I ate... of course after eating 4 pieces of cold pizza I feel terrible about myself, so I decide to purge.

Toilets are gross, so I went to the kitchen sink -- hey we have a garbage disposal! -- and I'm about two heaves from food when some nice red blood comes up. I decided to stop. I guess I can just work out later today and tomorrow and then the pizza will be gone.

I'm not too proud of my purging habits and my eating habits lately have been disasterous.

My throat hurts.

Plans for da day:

Not eat.
Maybe go to Mama's.
Pay cell phone bill.
Not eat.

That's all.

I found out that I don't have to work until after the 4th, so yay for that!! WOO!

Pics I made these:::

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Which is yor fav?


1 comment:

Rae said...

The close to edge one is my fave


I love you.