Sunday, June 1, 2008


Things that are important to Jodie Platz:

Music and the ability to listen to it at free will.

Being blonde and all the rights that come along with it.


All of my limbs, ability to see, taste, hear, smell, sing...

Traveling to new places, and old ones.


Movies... the good and the bad.

The way the wind feels on my hand when it hangs out of the car.

Justin - in ways that absolutely NO ONE on this planet can comprehend, and I've refused to further explain any more than that...

To come from Wamego and actually get out of it.

Heather, to have kept her for 16 years.

Jennifer, who knows me better than anyone and to have kept a best friend for 8 years.

Gemma, who I feel more in touch with than anyone I've ever met and we're literally oceans apart.

Photos -- I live my life through them. Behind and in front of the lens.

Liars, cheaters and backstabbers - they allow me to realize who really loves me.

Tattoos, like pieces of flair.

My Mama, my twin.

My Daddy - no one makes me feel more innocent.

Pam, Step Mom - It's amazing how someone who isn't blood can love you so much.

Comments and photo comments, messages on MySpace. I feel that it's LOVE that you took time to think of me and tell me about it.

I'm sure there's a million things that are important to me. I was just bored so I thought I would try and name some of them for people who don't really know me.


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