Saturday, June 28, 2008

Please Excuse My Tardiness

"the name on everyone's lips is gonna be, Roxie!"

I wrote this part of my blog on my BlackBerry a few days ago but I've been so busy I haven't gotten around to posting it, sorry.

They are a huge step closer to finding a cure to Alzheimer's. This morning I read on the TV that they found the protein that causes it... If they know what causes it, they can cure it.

This is amazing news, just almost exactly 8 years too late for my Grandma.

July 4, 2000 my Grandma Vivian died of the disease.

Seeing the news this morning made me cry, it may be too late for my Grandma, but it isn't too late for someone elses.

Alzheimer's is the most cruel disease ever. The 2nd to last time I saw my Grandma she had no idea who I was, I had moved to Kansas City and I wasn't around anymore. This is the woman who raised me and all she could say was "any friend of Lees is a friend of mine" I tried so hard not to cry on the way home, be strong, don't let your Daddy see you cry... But it was too hard.

The last time I saw my Grandma, I walked into her room and her eyes lit up and she exclaimed, "Jodie!" it was tremendous.

Its so cruel for your Grandma to remember you once, forget you and then remember you again.

About a month later she died.

When my Grandma died I had never lost anyone close to me before, and I have never felt that kind of empty before.

I sometimes think of what I'll feel and how I'll act when my parents die, however morbid that is, I find in some way it helps me "prepare" for their death. I reckon everyone has to go through losing their parents at one point, but I don't see how I'll ever go a day without crying, and how I'll never be able to speak of them without breaking down.

-- that's all I got...

So yesterday Jennifer and I went to the movies and FINALLY saw Sex and the City, it was amazing!! I loved it. I hope the rumors are true that they're making a sequel.

After the movie we went to Target and I bought this really beautiful green dress, it looks killer on me!! And I also bought a black handbag and Chicago on DVD. I love Chicago. It's one of my favorite films ever. For me it's one of those that I can watch over and over and not get bored of.

Last night Jennifer and I go to work like planned and we get there and the other manager who was just about to get off work says there's gonna be 6 people working that night (theres' supposed to be 3 - MAYBE 4 on overnights... and so then Jenn tells me that I can go, well then the phone rings and it's Jenn's manager and he tells her that SHE can go home too, that she's done with overnights and she can come in to start her day shift at 5a today. It's awesome that I'm on days now sooner than I thought I would be (I didn't go to work today, I'll go tomorrow.) But it's really dumb that no one called to tell her that BEFORE we wasted all the gas and time to get out there... oh well.

So Jenn and I go home and get all cleaned up and stuff, I put on my new dress and we went the casino and had a couple drinks and chatted for a few hours, it was really nice. We hadn't been out on a Friday in lord knows how long, so it was really great.

That's all today, kiddies, since I'm on the day shift I'll have more time to get on and check my shit, so I'll try not to slack as much as I have been.


1 comment:

Rae said...

I love you, just know that.

Beautiful beginning. I think those things too sometimes, and I don't know how I'll ever live w/o the most important people in my life


Thanks for all your comments. Every one of them meant the world to me, like you! xoxo