Monday, June 30, 2008

All The Shiny Seahorses

"You must understand that the touch of your hand makes my pulse react,
that it's only the thrill of boy meeting girl opposites attract,
it's physical, only logical...
you must try to ignore that it means more than that, oh,
what's love got to do, got to do with it..."

What a wonderful day yesterday turned out to be! Even after yesterday's little "event" it was a great day! I went to the mall and walked around for an hour and a half imaginary shopping with imaginary money buying some pretty incredible things. All it was was great motivation for me to lose weight so I can fit into all those wonderful clothes.

I went to Panera in the mall and got an iced cafe latte AND a regular coffee and was talking to like, 3 people at the same time when I was there. I had a lot of fun. :-) While I was there I was explaining to my friends my little dilemma with caffiene. See, my Mama explained this to me last week when I went to her corporate challenge swim meet. I was drinking a Red Bull because I still had faith that someday I would be able to feel the kick from them and I hadn't slept but one hour the night before... I told her this and that I had never felt the effects of caffiene and how when I have a Red Bull or a latte or something it usually makes me just take a nap instead. LOL

She explained to me that it's because of my ADD, which is just a chemical imbalance, and "uppers" like caffiene, just bring me down - and "downers" would probably give me the boost that caffiene is supposed to. Like, Ritalin, which I took when I was 12/13 is actually an upper and if someone like, say, Jennifer - took a Ritalin... well... let's just say that would be VERY interesting to see!

I found it completely interesting and it just made perfect sense! Ah, mothers!

Even with doing not great @ all on food yesterday, Mr. Scale Man says I lost 2 lbs. :-D I reckon it was the gym and walking around for FOREVER yesterday... in heels! ;-)

So tomorrow I'm supposed to go to Wamego for the 4th of July celebration thing, however, neither of my parents have called me back to let me know if we're still on... so I have no idea if we'll actually be going or not. If they don't call me back, if we don't end up going, then tomorrow night we'll just go out with Kelly, who is a tour manager on the Warped Tour, which is here Tuesday. Tuesday, the 2nd, regardless on wether or not we're in Wamego we're coming almost all the way back to KC so we can spend the day at the Warped Tour with Kelly and Andria (both tour managers for the Warped Tour)

Jenn's known Andria for a few years but she just met Kelly and she's higher up on the tour food chain than Andria is. Andria is touring with the Warped Tour for free just to get experience, meanwhile Kelly works for a record label and has been doing this for a LONG time.

I'm SO excited to go! Kelly seems pretty excited too, she said we could spend the whole day out there and of course, Jennifer is excited to have the food catering for breakfast, lunch and dinner... LOL She said we'd be on the record label's list and she would show up the ropes for a day on tour. We're stoked... and -- without saying too much -- Jenn and I are trying to get a job on tour through Kelly. ;-) Oh -- btw, Rae, if that happens and I CAN'T take Bella, would you adopt her as your own for a few months? :-D Please? IF. IF. IF!!

I'm getting ahead of myself, no matter how much I would love to see all this happen, I'm not going to hold my breath, just yet. ;-) BUT! I am VERY excited for Tuesday, like I said! I can't wait! I'm going to take a shit ton of pics!

Today I've got a date with Gemma, and I'm going to make more icons (post below, go see and comment them.)

Tonight I have no idea what I'm doing, yay!

Pic of the Day:

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EDIT: I'm going to Wamego tomorrow!
EDIT2: New icons added!! More to come today! Check back laters.

1 comment:

Rae said...

I loved the pic o the day ahahahahahaha

And ofc I will...we'll see tho, right? :)