Saturday, May 23, 2009

That It's All Just A Bunch Of Matter

(mmm, look at those beautiful lips. I can't wait to see them in person.)
"cuz if you're not really here, then I don't want to be either..."

You know how life turns you upside down and inside out, chews you up and spits you out? ...And then everything still seems to work out okay? I think that might be what I enjoy best about it.

As I mentioned Jennifer and I are looking at new apartments. (Some of which I'm not entirely happy to be looking at - but that's called FRIENDSHIP.) I think life takes me to these certain places for a reason.

I've always been a very spiritual person and I believe that everything happens for a reason. Of course unless you're incredibly wise to be able to stand back and evaluate and dissect your life from an outside perspective while it's still in play - hindsight is always 20/20. Most people don't see the reasons for things until the time is already passed. That's what I'm trying to get better at. I'm trying to focus my energy into why things are happening and what their reason is. Not just sitting there and pitying myself for whatever seems to be going wrong at the moment.

Things come and go; people come and pass. Friends and lovers enter and exit my life in almost constant rotation. At some times it's dizzying, some stay longer than others - but as I've told all my friends before - I have an open door policy. Some use that to their advantage; take what they want and leave. But the users get back their three fold; I am a firm believer in Karma.

Here on the 1st when I get paid, I am buying an iPod - Jenn said, "why don't you buy [insert tickets to this event] instead, it's gonna sell out, an iPod will always be there." I said "if it sells out then I was not meant to go." Can't say that if it sells out I won't be super disappointed and cry and curse, but it's true then, that I wasn't meant to go.

Tis all for now, I'm going to sun myself.

I had to pick this picture for many reasons, the suit, the guitar, the hair, the ambiance. Loves it. (Side note: His jaw is pretty spectacular and we all know how I have a thing for jaws. A la, Heath Ledger, Robert Pattinson, etc...)


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