Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Double Standards

How do you feel about double standards? They're all around us and don't just pertain to the ones that I'll mention in this blog.

Most people probably think about the male/female/sex double standard when they hear the words. How men can sleep with 100 chicks and it makes them hot stuff [[or whatever]] but if a girl's slept with 100 dudes she's a whore...

Double standard.

Sure, that irritates me, but in reality, I don't think anyone but your current partner should know how many conquests you've had. I think it's tactless to go around saying it aloud.

There are others, some of them affect me, even.

If I go on tour with [[insert band]] and I drink and/or get drunk every day for two weeks it's cuz I'm a rockstar, so 'they' overlook it... if I'm just a regular Jo (deliberately left off the 'e' thanks) and I drink and/or get drunk every day for two weeks then I'm automatically an alcoholic!

Double standard.

If a singer goes into acting it's a "natural transition". If an actor goes into singing it's "cuz everyone wants to sing"!

Double standard.

What are some that you can think of? Or some that you've been victims of?

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