Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Wish You'd Known Me When I Was Alive

"One day you're gonna have to face,
The deep dark truthful mirror,
And it's gonna tell you what I still,
Love you too much to say..."

I started this yesterday, no sense in wasting it. I just got sidetracked and went and downloaded 802 songs instead of blogging.

I'm up much earlier than I would prefer. Bella was barking this morning because they were doing some lawn maintenance at 930a... of course, as soon as I got up, she went back to bed and is now soundly sleeping. Doesn't seem quite fair, does it?

Lot's to do today! I have to stop by the storage place -- of course, I think this blog is going to end up saying it's yesterday instead of today, but really it's today, not yesterday... or tomorrow... Storage place, bank, post office, then going for coffee with the Jennifer.

I did have things that I specifically wanted to talk about a few days ago and now, of course I have no idea what those things were. Doesn't surprise me. I have the worlds worst ADD.

Rob Pattinson's song, "To Roam" just came on my iTunes - he's finally back in the States! England kept him too long!!!! Yes, I know he belongs to them or whatever, but I like to keep my boys close! ;-) ---- ("Some people were born to roam, some people are in this world alone..." I love it. His voice is truly unique.)

He's presenting at the Oscar's this weekend. I'm pretty stoked about that. I need a good RPattz fix. Jenn said, "what are you going to do if he presents Best Supporting Actor?" (The award that will undoubtedly go to Heath.) I said, "Probably poop myself." She said, "I'll get a toilet." There was more to the conversation, but we don't need to take it in that direction.

So I was on this Twilight fan site, checking my news as always, and they posted this [fanmade] trailer for New Moon. Now, I don't normally watch fanmade stuff, because it's usually shitty and I always get mad that it's shitty, but they said that this had had over 3 MILLION views... well, 3 million views can't be wrong, so I watched it.


I got chills.

I don't get chills for shit... something has to be really fucking spectacular for me to get chills... but yaaa... Seriously. Chills.

Here's the video, please watch it. It's badass. Just like the movie will be (and like the book was) there's very little Robert. But this chick actually put Kristen clips in there. Jacob is portrayed by a different actor, but it still works.

Yellow Ferrari? Check.
Paper cut? Check.
Cliff diving? Check.
Volturi? Check.

Check it out!!! It's HQ, click full screen for the awesomeness effect!

Even if you're not a huge Twilight fan, you have to admit that was badass, right?!


Alright, I'm off to watch it 100 more times...

There's no use for me now, I'm only thinking of Twilight.


Oh, random addings, anyone who says that Heath doesn't deserve the Oscar, or who bashes him gets an ass whooping by me. Get it?

1 comment:

Rae said...

You sure that isn't the real trailer? Holy fock...I don't think I could EVER make anything that kick ass.

The little smile he gives in like the first 10-15 seconds is adorkable! I <33 it!
