Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lappie-Band Aid

"I'm not quite sure how to breathe without you here,
I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to say goodbye to all we were,
Be with me, stay with me, just for now,
Let the time decide when I won't need you..."

I had my meeting today for the Lap-Band surgery with 4 other chickas. From the minute I saw them, I hated them - they were my competition... but then they started to talk to me and I started to love them. They were so nice.

The actual meeting? I'm not sure how it went. I think I blew it. But then again, I thought I blew the last one. LOL! Which, Angel (the director of this whole ordeal) said that it was crazy, she had never heard of anyone just thinking they blew this kind of interview. LOL Angel is great. I really adore her.

I bawled my little eyes out, of course... Talking in front of all these people who know exactly how you feel... it was extraordinary and completely therapeutic. They were all either married or engaged... I felt so alone being the only single chicka there. ;-) I exchanged numbers with them, they were all so wonderful. Such beautiful, wonderful women. If I don't get it, I hope someone from my group does.

Honestly, I don't know how they're gonna pick down from the 25 - everyone is so passionate, so deserving... It's absolutely crazy. I of course, hope the best for myself, but I understand if they think someone will be more qualified.

I'm very Zen about the whole ordeal. LOL

I was so excited about today that I finally got to sleep at 6a and then I had to wake up at 10a... I'm absolutely exhausted. My eyes hurt. I'm cold. I'm hungry...

Tonight Jennifer and I are going to get drunkkkkk... err, at least that's the plan.

I emailed my step mom and asked her if she and Daddy could meet Jennifer and I at the Mad Greek in Lawrence soon and we're meeting there Sunday, March 1st... I'm going to tell them then...

I'm getting my Nikon soon!!! EEEE!!! I'm stoked! I worked it out so I can have my camera and not rupture any further plans that'll be taking place in May/June... Heavy on the June side. ;-)


The gorgeous, ever-talented, Robert Pattinson. In a screen cap/card thingy from FYE's photobox that you get when you reserve Twilight there. (Which I've done!) Also, Jenn and I are going to the Twilight midnight release party at Hot Topic on March 20th. The have a special edition DVD (who doesn't!? FUCK, Imma be poor... Oh wait... LOL) They have a whole party thing and then they have raffles and access to new merch that isn't available yet!! FUCK ME! I can't wait!



Anonymous said...

dont feel sure they all struggled with dating before they found someone..and you will too..and hopefully i will

Gemma said...

i love you :))