Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Flavor of the Weak

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"Nobody does it better,
Makes me feel sad for the rest,
Nobody does it half as good as you,
Baby, you're the best..."

That lil gif up there is one of my favorite parts of Twilight... and it's at the tail end. LOL I love the pained look on Edward's face as he kisses Bella. It's truly painful for him.

So, as I explained in my previous blog, I've been having a lot of trouble with my body lately. I've been sluggish, tired and have not been putting anything healthy into it at all. (I won't gross you out with the other details.)

I was looking around for a new fast to go on when I stumbled upon this guy's explanation of his 30 day detox... I feel completely inspired and I've even gotten Jennifer to agree to join me in this! (She's opted out of other fasts I've suggested, claiming that she 'can't' do them.) I am super proud of her for saying that she will embark on this with me!

The longest I've fasted for before this was 8 days and this time I'm determined to go the entire 30. For me, it's not even about the amount of weight that I will lose, it's about the spiritual experience attached to it, and getting all of the toxins out of my body that currently take up space there.

Jennifer is going to include Vitamin Water in her fast (which she's doing against my suggestion...) while I'm just doing water. We'll both be doing regular colonics along the way, as well. Which is new for both of us - but after reading about the personal results that this guy had with the entire cleanse, I am so excited to do it!

Once we break the fast I think I'll try my hand at being vegan... I know that after I complete the 30 days I won't want meat again. (Did you know that meat can stick to the sides of your intestines and stay there for YEARS if you don't flush it out with cleanses and colonics?! Click here to see why humans were not designed to eat meat.) Once I'm free and clean of all the shit that's been building up for 24 years, causing me to be full of toxins, I can start a new clean, healthy life. It'll be like a clean slate! I can't wait.

My new focus is going to be on feeding my body what it NEEDS and not what I WANT. (75% of the food we eat, we don't need - it's just emotional eating. We listen to what our minds want, and not what our body is telling us it needs.)

I'm going to concentrate on eating a balanced diet of raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains. (Which I've never been a fan of...) I hope to only eat sweets a few times a year and to really taste and enjoy my food for what it is - nutrition... fuel...

I can't wait... I keep saying that. LOL I'm sure it's the only thing I'll talk about for the next 30 days, I apologize in advance.

For someone like me, weight and food rules my life -- how can it not be all I talk about? At least I'm not just bitching about my weight and continuing to eat cheeseburgers... at least I'm actually doing something about it... or rather, will tomorrow.

Thanks for supports. I'm chillin' at McD with Jenn tonight, I might blog again later on something not having to do with food... we'll see.

1. Nobody Does It Better - Carly Simon (Epic. I love this song. I lover her.)
2. Flavor of the Weak - American Hi-Fi (First band I moshed to. I've never had more of a high than I did then, and it was completely natural.)
3. Simply Because - Rooney (I love Rooney.)
4. Running Man - Hanson (Zac Attack sings, tis catchy.)

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Look at that SMILE!!!!

I was chattin' with Rae during the Grammy's (and drinking...) and when he came on talking about the General Store I think my message to her went something like...

"OMFGSsakjahfa1~~~~!!!! ehjaskfashfshafhjafhjajhkakhjafkshjafhkjafhkj!!! GENERAL SSTTTTOEERE!!!!"

I has mayjah prouds. ;-)



Anonymous said...

i could never give up meat..thats why i didnt click on the link..lol..even if i could only have it a few times a year..is fasting like that healthy? be careful sweetie.. xoxo

Jennifer said...

I am ready for this fast too. I was thinking of being just vegetarian but with some talking to a friend he said i should just go all the way so ya i be vegan too!!

Here we go!!

Anonymous said...

like i say with any kind diet/toxin cleansing thing u do, and like Kimmy said, BE careful.
im sure its gonna be good tho if u stick to the rules... but what am i meant to cook you when you come over to stay!!! we eat meat about 3/7 nights here :( PLUS, id have u eating sweets til u pop. but thats just me LOL

ya know i love ya and will always continue to support you in whatever you do, as long as its safe :)
