Wednesday, February 11, 2009

*Big Sigh*

I can't be bothered with icon, lyrics, pics, all that...

Today was the first day of my detox/cleanse. I did fantastic today. I've had a little over 2 liters of water... I took a bath today... I wasn't even hungry...


Then Jennifer failed. She text me and said, "I don't think I can do this..." I text her loads of times and tried to keep her spirits up, tried to keep her from failing, tried to keep her motivated... Finally I asked, "did you already eat?" She said she did so I yelled at her, "why did you make me waste all these texts trying to save you when you already did it?!?"

She just kept telling me that she would start tomorrow. She told me that yesterday and that's when we agreed that we would start today... Now today she tells me she wants to start tomorrow.

I am livid.

I've fasted for 8 days with just the support of Gemma, but it's hard to do it alone when you don't have a support system around you.

I'm not hungry, but now I'm thinking of sacrificing my day and eating so that we can still have the same day tally. She says she'll just be a day behind me, but it's going to be hard every day. Today: not hard for me, but I've had many days without food before. I don't think Jennifer's ever made it through one.

She needs to make it through 30 of these days - the first 3 are the hardest and she can't make it past the first one.

...Fuck me.

I don't know what to do.

Part of me wants to say "fuck her" and just try and do this on my own... She'll either do it with me, or won't. But then again... she's my best friend.


I called Jennifer, she was all, "I had a bad day... la... la... la..." I TOLD her that I WAS NOT going to take that as an excuse because she's done that before on other "diets". I still haven't decided what I want to do. "Well, I realized I didn't eat all the food I wanted to eat before my fast..." she said... WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKKKKKKK???? That statement right there makes my blood boil.


Fuck me.

Ughhh... this is ridiculous. I haven't decided, but I wouldn't be surprised if I let her get the best of me...

On a completely different subject:

I don't think I want to be your friend anymore.

:::EDIT DOS:::

I've made my decision, but there's a catch...

Back to bad habits...


Vessy said...

I'm sorry it started like that :( I wish you all the best for the future, don't give up.

Anonymous said...

dont wanna be whos freind no more?

Unknown said...

1... you misspelled "friend"

2... I'm not gonna put em on blast.

3... tell me who you are and maybe I'll tell you in confidence.


Anonymous said...

twas the gem.
i did write a long ass reply last night but idk where it went :S

Unknown said...

Sucks the reply got lost in space. LOL @ "twas the Gem."


Anonymous said...

sucks it didnt work out at first but i hope everything will go smoothly as time goes by..xoxo