Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Angel From My Nightmare

"It's hard to wake up when the shades have been pulled shut
This house is haunted, it's so pathetic, it makes no sense at all,
I'm ripe with things to say, my words rot and fall away,

If this stupid poem, could fix this home, I'd read it everyday..."

The highlighted lyric is how I feel... let's see if I can pick out the good words and work on from there.

First of all, thanks so much to the readers/viewers/stalkers (LOL) whatever you wanna call yourselves. ;-) Comments are yay and I'm happy I've been getting more of them. :-) If you have a blog and you comment my blog, I'll follow your blog and comment them dos. Yay?!

I've been doing well expressing myself via blog lately. I am loving how organic and natural speaking on here is becoming. I guess there was once a time several months ago -to- around a year ago that speaking on here was difficult and it was hard for me to remain accurate and honest with my day to day life accounts.

Although there are many parts of my private life I leave out of this blog (parentals, jobs I'm holding down - (too boring and gross to go into discussion) - some aspirations I don't want crushed, and things I find might be TOO bragging) I try to divulge as much as is necessary in order to get my point across.

I guess I've been doing a good job at it, but perhaps not good enough... (Now, I feel like I'm not making sense at all. Sometimes my mind races faster than the words I want to get out can come out.)

You are in the middle of a giant wheel, as you stand in the middle of this wheel - the things you love, the things that affect your life and other parts of it stand around you; this wheel spins.

Life is a silly wheel, you know? Sometimes it goes around and around and everything stays perfect just where it is - then sometimes it spins a lil too fast and a few things fall off (jobs, friends, people die, electronics you love crash) sometimes the next time the wheel spins around you pick them back up (new jobs, new friends, getting over the death of a loved one, new BlackBerries and computers) ...and then sometimes you don't.

As this wheel of life spins, in the greater sense of things I've learned that the point of this wheel is to keep it spinning. There's no point jumping off the wheel chasing after things that were meant to be falling off...

In conclusion, my wheel is going at a fine pace, wish it could go a little faster, but it's nice a steady - everything where it is in my life now, is staying there - the things that aren't there anymore are off sent into the universe, doing good (or bad) somewhere else on someone else's wheel.


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I hope all this made sense. It's bound to go over someone's head. LOL


Robert Fucking Pattinson at the Oscars. Lordy meee... he cleans up gooood... though there are many parts of me (parts I like to keep covered...) that like him unshowered, unshaven, and dirrrrrty... I saw hundreds of RPattz photos from Sunday, but this was the only one that made me actually stop breathing. His eyes are piercing my soul... those lips areaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... excuse me while I flatline.


Anonymous said...

I love it. In NO way did it go over my head, its the perfect concept of what life is, and I can only pray to god that I could write good metaphores like u do, let alone try and express myself in such a way.

I love u and I love it when u get all intellectual!!

X x x

Vessy said...

I love the wheel concept, its so true!

Anonymous said...

weeeeee!!! im on ur wheel of life!lmao..sorry couldn't help it...love the wheel thing.

Unknown said...

I love Kim and ofc she's in my wheel!


Anonymous said...

very glad to be in ur wheel!lol..that sounds dirty...lol