Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Dreams In Which I'm Dying...

"All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and daily for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses,
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow..."

Ahh good people, how art thou?

I. Am. Awesome.

Friday I told you I got my check for my first song... woo! Haha, it's already gone. LOL It was a relatively small check ($194) but I'm getting another one here for $300 in a few weeks or so which is going to help me buy my camera. XD *so happy*

Anyhow, with my money I bought some awesome blossom hair dye and tonight we're doing part of my hair and then doing the other part tomorrow morning. So that was like $24... I also bought some deep conditioner packets and some clear rubber bands.

While we were in the salon parking lot there was a set up of some puppies for sale and so we went to see them and completely fell in love with this yellow lab. She was nuzzling and reminded us of Bells when she was a puppy... We can't afford another dog at the moment, which sucks, but I think I'm getting Jennifer a kitten for Christmas. :D They have tons of cats and kittens at the shelter for adoption and they are fixed and come with first shots and everything, we went to see them and Jenn really wants a cat.

Jenn wanting an animal is a huge deal. She only got me Bella because I really wanted her, she wasn't interested in having an animal. She never had a pet when she was a child... so now she's learning to connect to other beings and I'm so proud.

After that we went to Target and I printed off 5x7 copies of our photos with Justin and I bought a frame for them. :-) I also got a 4x6 of each of them for us to have. While we were there I found a hot pink purse on sale for $3!!! Ya, I bought that too. LOL

Then we went to Hobby Lobby because I've wanted a sketch pad and pencils for months. I finally got it for myself and today I sketched Jenn as she fell asleep on my knee. I think I did awful, but I showed Jenn and she was completely impressed. She was amazed and said that it didn't look like her, but that it actually looked like a human and she had never seen me draw a person before and thought I did a really good job. That meant a lot to me.

Then we headed downtown and I got my tragus pierced at Freaks on Broadway!!! AHH! I ain't gonna lie, it hurt. haha... none of my tattos or other piercings hurt, but this definitely stung. I want to get both and I asked if I should get both on the same day and they said no, so when I get my other check I'm going back to get my other one done -- so it obviously didn't hurt bad enough that I don't want the other one done.

It bled, which threw me off since it's cartilage, but it no longer hurts anymore, it really just hurt for a second when she pierced it and then it was over. It's sooooooo adorable. I fucking loveee it. I had Jenn tape it and I'll post it on youtube soon as well as pics of my piercing soon like tomorrow, kk?

I actually had planned to get my Heath tattoo, my piercing and my hair dye and be almost out of money after that -- but when I went to my guy at A-1 about my Heath tattoo they reccommended that I get it horizontal instead of vertical like I wanted and that completely threw me for a loop since I had thought of it vertical since I came up with the idea back in July... so I decided I needed more time with the idea or to come up with a new idea... or perhaps get what I ACTUALLY want and just ignore their opinion... who knows, I'm not ready.

Now Jenn and I have decided we're going to get them together and I think we're going to get them on the 1st anniversary of his death. It'll be double special then.

Anyhow, after that we went drinking, haha... that was awesome. We had some talks and some drinks. That's about it, I believe on what I spent my money on. I blew a lot on booze. LOL

So Halloween... it was awesome and I was really scary looking. (Not like it's hard... haha) We scared the living crap outta all the kids. Twas hilarious and awesssssome. I loved it. I'll post pics as soon as I get them from my Mama.

Speaking of my Mama, some of y'all know the bullshit that went down with my Mama and Pam on the 4th of July, well I think the fences are mended. I am keeping my distance with Pam and trying to not get too "involved" but on Halloween she really behaved herself and I'm having them both over to my house for Thanksgiving dinner. *proud*

In completely random news... remember when I went to the Rennaissance Festival @ the beginning of October? The Knight that I saw joust and I thought was a total hottie???


I shat myself.

Here's what he said:

"What a great blog, loved the part about the little girl and fountain! I am very happy you and your family had a great time at the Renaissance Festival and sorry I lost the joust ;)

Sir Matthew the knight in Red & Black"

Scroll to the bottom to see for yourself!! ^^

I fucking love love love it.

Definitely brightened my day. ;-)


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Perfection. I fucking loveeee this pic, but I can't find the HQ of it. Sucks balls.


PS - I forgot, I also got 2 pairs of shoes. ;-)


Anonymous said...

its cool that knight commented..hopefully one day i will be abled to frame a jt photo...(fingers crossed) what is this heath tattoo suppose to look like?

Gemma said...

ok things to do

get the damn puppy already!!

sketch a pic of me

get ANOTHER piercing

invite me to thanksgiving.

i love u!!

yay for the Knight!! thats uber cool hehe

x x x x