Friday, November 14, 2008

Story Of A Lonely Girl

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named... well it doesn't matter what her name was. She was locked in the tallest tower in all the land and ached to be let down. She spent her days writing stories about brunette princesses who had all the jewels life could bring them. She spent her nights crying over the Knights who came and rescued them from spoiled apples and animals gone wrong.

Every morning when she awoke she envisioned that today would be different. "Today", she said, "I'll get out of this tower. Today, I'll be free. Today I'll find my Knight." Every night at sunset she realized that her day had not changed. She prayed for the change, or the courage to change - but every day the sun came, no change followed.

Minutes, days, years passed and nothing had changed except the wrinkles that started to show on the beautiful girls face. She started to accept the fact that her morning would some day no longer come, and the odds of her Knight rescuing her before then was very unlikely.

The lightbulb went off above her head and she stood up in satin gown. She began to climb down the tower. When she reached the bottom she breathed in the fresh summer air, opened her arms and accepted life. In her bejeweled shoes she took off running, holding her dress up to not ruin it for a moment, but as she ran the tears came down her face and she dropped her dress so she could run faster. Her arms pumped hard and she ran.

She ran from the life she once knew, the life she never would know and the scars that haunted her so. Finally she stopped, fell down in a field of daisies and caught her breath, staring up at the sun.

Before sunset a Knight came to her tower and called for her, "oh beautiful girl locked in this tower, how I long for thee," he shouted, but no reply ever came.

She never returned, the Knight missed her and the life that could have been, but she vowed that when people told the story again it wouldn't start out without her name... she vowed the world would know her name.

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