Saturday, July 26, 2008

I Hate Spanish Television

Every time I come on break they have Univision blasting. Jenn and I are the only 2 white girls who work here. Its literally 98% Mexican.

Everything about this job annoys me.

I called in sick yesterday, which I shouldn't have done because I need the money... I'll just refrain from calling in from here on out, I reckon.

I still need to get my bank acct and I'm buying my plane ticket home from Rachel this week.

I get paid Tuesday night before I leave Wednesday morning to see Rachel, but I'm still in a predicament on how I'm gonna cash my check. That's the only money I'll have for the trip.

My breaks over, back to the office.

Ugh, shoot me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

miss u honey bee...

hows work?

maybe u can get ur check while u at Rachels? i dont know how it works over there.

