Monday, August 25, 2008

I Gotta Get Up, Figure This Shit Out

"I'm going home, gonna load my shotgun
wait by the door, light a cigarette
He wants a fight well now he's got one,
and he ain't seen me crazy yet..."

Eventually I'll take the time to put my heart out there and blog about the connections I really have with Heath Ledger. It's incredible and scares me to the bone.

I'm sipping green tea with peach and listening to the Shins. I had a really good, actually. Gemma and I talked for a long time and laughed a lot. It was like old times and it was perfect. We were both working on some fanfic and we connected on levels we haven't before and I was truly honest with her, no matter how crazy I sounded -- she still loved me. I love it. :-) Thanks Gem, for the wonderful day and for accepting me for who I am. I am blessed to have her. Really.

Jenn worked a triple today. She came home for like, an hour. LOL This girl is insane. She said after Vegas she's going down to four 10 hour days at one job and then still 5 days at the other. She's not getting enough sleep.

I've been doing freaking rockstar on eBay lately. It's awesome possum. ;-) I won a Heath poster, when I was in Ohio Jenn won the Four Feathers for like $3 -- I can beat that!!! I won the Brothers Grimm for 99c!!! I loveeeee that movie. I also won Edison for 99c... I'm bidding on tickets to the American Idols Saturday show for $1, ahh, there's more, but I don't want to bore you.

So... I'm changing my name. Not legally -- and not professionally because that would take too long. People know me as Jodie Platz, and I'm not going to disappoint there. Just personally. I won't get too deep here, but my mom said some things way back and every time that I hear my name I think of her, and well - since we aren't speaking I really don't want to think of her, so viola! I would go by Audrey again, but fuck, she named all of me. Here's the names I could potentially go by. I'm hoping to decide and make an announcement tomorrow.


Jenn's pulling for Elle -- I would say what I'm pulling for but I don't wanna say... which one do you think and why?


Pic o' tha Day:

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He really is my everything. I wake up in the morning and he's the first thought in my head, I lay my head down and he's the last thought I think before I sleep and then, he's in my dreams. Perfect doesn't describe him.


I narrowed it down some more...



Gemma said...

Elle, cos I chose it haha

I had a blast with u yesterday, it WAS perfect. I hope we can connect like that more often cos it was unbelievable.

*to the ends of the earth*


Anonymous said...

Oh and just for ur info.. my sister is calling her little boy Hayden :)