Friday, February 5, 2010

On The Way To LA; The Airport Blog

"She's gone to Arizona, with my money, with my money..." 

I am in Arizona. I found it funny as all hell when I realized where my layover was (you know, 10 minutes before we landed...) and I started singing "Arizona" in my head.

Yesterday was hectic. I won tickets to the Monkeys show from Saint Rocke, the venue that's holding the Monkey show tonight. Willow and I are beyond stoked for that! I was beyond stoked for all the @ mentions I got congratulating me! Y'all are seriously waay too good to me. I think I'll keep you around.

Last night I didn't get any sleep before getting ready for my 6a flight. And still with no sleep and all that time to prepare, I left late for the airport, didn't get to the airport until about 525a had to literally RUN to get my boarding pass and then I had to RUN to airport security, threw my stuff on the conveyer belt, hurry hurry, rush rush and then POP onto the plane... I was so thirsty and out of breath at the end of it.

They had to spend a very long time de-icing our plane... not a whole bunch of fun, that is.

I'm super stoked to finally get to LA and see Willow. She's never been out this far West before and this is only her 2nd plane trip, this is also the first Monkeys show that we get to see just by ourselves! So this is a bunch of firsts!

This will by my 2nd time out to LA; I spent an entire week there in May of 2008 recording my album that never happened. (You can read about that experience here in the one year recap... or head back to the May 2008 blogs here on my journal and read it as it happened.) I just went back and re-read that post I wrote and I said that I would probably start recording again at the beginning of the year. Wow, well, it's February 2010 now, definitely the beginning of the year and while I do have some studio time planned, I really am having such a wonderful time focusing on Monkeys and my photography right now.

Funny how life changes.

Funny how nothing... will ever... stay the same.

I've wanted the same dream since I was 6 years old; to be a recording artist. While that's still a dream of mine I have yet to fully accomplish -- (I have 60 songs recorded to date, over 20 notebooks full of lyrics, etc... so that's why I say "fully" accomplish - I have partly accomplished my dream.) I am not ready to give up the dream yet. I can, however, be brave and courageous and put it on hold while I pursue other dreams of mine. (A person is allowed to have more than one dream, you know...?)

I am hoping that LA will be as fabulous as Willow wants it to be. I know that I put so much into my first trip to LA, that I expected so much out of it -- and really, it's quite as fabulous as they say it is, if you're into that sort of thing... ;) But it's definitely a love it or hate it kind of thing. Guess we'll find out soon enough!

Willow's on her way to LA as I type this. :) We both arrive at noon... insane. I love how that worked out. (Technically I land 6 minutes ahead of her, but that's a good thing, hopefully I can quickly get to her gate in time to greet her as she gets off the plane.)

I do love LAX; I was super impressed with it the last time I was there. They have "experienced flyer" lanes so you don't get stuck behind the family of six that has never flown anywhere before. I hopped into the lane right behind the business guys, easily keeping up with them. Love it.

Jennifer says that I travel well. :) I think that's one of the highest compliments that you can give me. I love traveling and yes, I'm pretty good at it. I'm the most experienced traveler out of my family.

Anyhow, about an hour or so till I have to board... gonna check out all the shit I've been missing from being so busy.

The show tonight is being streamed live - so check it out here! Look for Willow and I and if anyone can record the stream from their computer to send to me, I'll worship the ground you walk on like you're a Guitar God. ;) [[And I usually only save that kind of worshiping for certain people!]]

Rock on,



kimcatus said...

I have no clue how to record the stream, but it looks like they archive them, so maybe you can check it out later that way? :)

I'm sure you guys will have a great time!! It's 100 Monkeys? How could you not??

Good luck on your dream...never ever give up!

Thanks for sharing so much with us....I love living vicariously though you! Because God knows I doubt I could keep up in real life!! lol

alikitty619 said...

I'm glad you're there for the whole weekend. I'm thinking I can drive up tomorrow and maybe we can have breakfast or something. We'll work it out.

The Illiterate said...

I'm so jealous that you and Willow are in LA! I know the show will rock your socks, just like those Monkey Men always tend to do. :-D

If I could record the stream for you, I would in a heartbeat. Too bad I won't even get to watch the darn thing! I found out, about 15 minutes ago, that I'm going to be working a 12-15 hour shift today. Which is entirely insane considering they usually tear my head off for staying 15 minutes over my 8 hours...

But I digress. Have oodles of fun, and a little bit more just for me!

Genn said...

I giggle every time I think about the text you sent me regarding Ben and the bitch that stole his money.
I loved that shit.
You are fucking epic.