Sunday, February 21, 2010

[Insert Clever Title Here]

"if ever we should meet on your side of the stereo, 
I will pretend I know not of your thoughts, 
And even the way that they mirror my own..." 

Busy, busy... Yesterday was something else. My Mama came and picked me up so that we could go back to her house and I could help her build a website for Pam's business... first though we went to Panera. I was good. :) I had a Greek salad and water. I seriously debated for a long time if I should just say "fuck it" and get a sandwich. God, I love their bread...

After that we went to this gym they were thinking about opening and we got the tour, got to swim (I did laps) and then we hot tubbed and enjoyed the stream room and the sauna...

They decided to join the gym and they put me down on their family thingy. :D Yay! Now I get to go spend hella time at the gym. I live for pools, saunas... steam rooms are the best.

After that we went to the grocery store to pick up something for dinner, my Mama was being awfully helpful when I told her that I was doing the no-carbs thing... we both got salads and when I picked up 2 packets of dressing she corrected me and told me to just get one. That was a good moment. :) She saved me from unnecessary calories.

We watched Nanny McPhee, which was... interesting, I suppose. Wasn't the greatest movie. Then again, I'm not 8.

Later on my Mama gave me some of the clothes that she "un-grew". Both her and Pam have lost a lot of weight and so I made out like a bandit! XD I got an entire sack full of 'new' clothes from my Mama including some really awesome lounge pants, a pair of super cute pin stripe pants, a sexsi pair of black jeans and a 2 sweaters that are sooo awesome.

(Some of the clothes fit me, some are a little too tight and some don't fit right now - but that's what the gym is for, right?)

My Mama and I used to fight so hard on clothes. She used to dress just basically ridiculous and then hated everything I wore and I guess as we both got older our tastes seemed to blend. I've calmed down some in my clothing choices and she's gone more mainstream... somehow we met in the middle.

I spent the night at her house last night and I guess I've been up for almost 3 hours now... we haven't done anything, she's been working on the website all day... she said she would cut my hair though. I hope that still happens. I haven't had a haircut since November 2008. Literally. That was when I chopped it all off and it was boy short... I haven't even had it trimmed since then. (I've trimmed my own bangs.) I'm hoping to get my hair back to a healthy state so that I can grow it out.

Hair is weird... I mean, you don't just have this endless supply of hair inside your skull, yet it just melds to the hair that's already there... man, that's insane.

Picture of the Day:


*searches forever*

Marty Party. Doesn't he look thrilled?

1 comment:

Genn said...

This captures my feelings (and this post) perfectly

"if ever we should meet on your side of the stereo,
I will pretend I know not of your thoughts,
And even the way that they mirror my own..."

You area always amazing at that.