Monday, August 3, 2009


I mades that ^^.
"baby, take a seat, eyes on me, this is my show, your one and only pleasure all decked in lace and leather, fantasy courtesy of me, baby let's go..."

First off - I want to talk about Spencer Bell. <-- Click his name to view his site. Spencer was many things... poet, musician, artist, son and friend. Unfortunately in December of 2006 he was taken from us because of adrenal cancer. The Spencer Bell memorial page (Linked on his name up there. Click it when I'm done talking.) is dedicated to preserving his art and sharing it with the world. I can tell you that Spencer has touched the very core of my soul. The first poetry I read from him was My Name. (Click to read the poem.) I have found a lot of myself in Spencer, and this is where I started. He's everything, as am I. He's many things that people might see as a contradiction, but really they're not if you take the time to learn the person.

This part is particularly me:
"Quite complicated for such a simple fellow, or perhaps just very simply complex."

When I read Plan B I immediately knew that Spencer and I had the same mind.

My favorite is It Wouldn't Be So Bad. It touched me so deeply that I have a tattoo planned around it. I shared it with Jennifer and she said that it was "fitting" for me.

It's a crappy cell phone photo, but it's just a concept... I don't want my own sketch of headphones, but I want them to look sketched out, along the cord I want it to say, "it wouldn't be so bad to die with my headphones on..."

Spencer also has a lot of music on his page... he has a wonderful style and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do. My favorite songs of the moment are, "Certain", "Cleaning Up", "Tourist", "The Whole Damned Thing", "Friends", and "Beautiful, More So".

In transition with Spencer - my Genn has a website on which she daily posts about Spencer. Please check out her site and her "soap boxes" when you get a chance. She's so captivating and passionate with her words, there's no way that you'll regret it. Watch out for this girl because she's going to change the world. One person at a time, she's fucking determined. She's already changed my world...

Lastly today, I want to talk about Jackson Rathbone's crotch. Okay, okay... moreso, musicians and how performing gives them a hard on.

I don't blame them. I mean, I've been there... not the exact sense as the male performers, but I can most definitely relate. Performing is a very erotic experience... to be worshiped by a sea of people all hanging on every single note...

I have a ever growing (no pun intended) list of male musicians who get hard when they perform.
-Justin Timberlake
-the lead singer of Alien Ant Farm (my was that impressive from the front row!!)
-Jackson Rathbone

I have seen the first two in person, and I'm sure if I really thought about this and if it wasn't 430am I could come up with more to add to my list... but, who cares... you just want the proof right? Here's the pudding.

My god, he's so epic gorgeous. I think I will take him home... it's been a while since I brought home a stray. You don't mind, do you Genn? No no, I didn't think so.

Picture of the Day:

Keeping in theme with Jaxxx... this tis my new favorite photo of him... I titled it, "Jacks has a hat and my heart" that's the honest to god truth. I kinda would basically sell my soul to the devil to photograph him. He's so beautiful. In photographs you can see past him and into his thoughts, into his soul... course, that's not necessarily the case here, here I just really like this photo. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post.
Thank you so much for showing me so much love, and having so much faith in me. For not growing tired of my soap boxes. For loving Spence.
For supporting my delusions with Jaxxx, for being you.

I love you.