Monday, August 3, 2009


I live my life like an actor,
I make the world my stage,
I put on a show everyday,
To say what I need to say,
I can play any role that
you want me to portray,
I've been the daughter,
Been the house wife,
The curtain still falls the same,
I play the liar everyday,
and some days I play the fool,
But the only role I didn't get
was to be in love with you,
That part was taken, I'm afraid,
And there's no way I'll be the understudy,
Cuz if I'm going to be your lover,
you're going to love me already,
So I've played with black magic,
and I've played a princess,
I've been alive and I've been the victim,
I couldn't tell you where all my parts went,
But I'm still waiting to kiss you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told you last night, that I absolutely LOVE this piece. My god I do. It's so consuming.