Friday, April 1, 2011

The Changes That Go 'Round

"Do you love me babe? What do you say?
Do you love me babe? What can I say?"

It's been a long while.

I always feel bad and end up apologizing after I haven't been around for a while... I'm too nice.

I just got back from SBL ATX and two Mechanical People shows... to which, now I am bruised and still exhausted. Honestly, I'm scared for tour. Though, this tour will hopefully be easier than the others because I'm trying to lose a good chunk of weight before it starts.

My weight is something that I've battled for so many years. Believe it or not, I was once underweight. Now, of course, it's no secret and I don't hide the fact that I am overweight. (I also know that's an understatement, however, I hate the other word...)

Fortunately I have good people around me who are always willing to either help me lose weight, try to motivate me or to just offer their love and support to me no matter what size I am.

While on the road I always end up losing a ton, which makes me happy. I just plain don't have time to eat and since I'm always on the go I burn a lot of calories... on the last tour I lost 15lb in 8 days. That didn't suck. I tried to keep it off - and I did for a while - but I got depressed and my weight ballooned again.

Regardless... I'm excited to start this new venture towards weight-loss. I *was* trying to get Lap-Band for the longest time, but unfortunately that just doesn't seem like it's going to happen. I'll try a few more things before I go rob a bank to save my life. (No credit = no Lap-Band for me.)

Right before I start new weight-loss things I always end up yapping about them tons. I just get overly excited for everything and all the brand new possibilities... No harm in being excited, right? ;)

Have you had a problem with your weight? What has worked/not worked for you? How do you cope with it? How does it make you feel?

Please respond. I would love to hear from you. :)


Rachel said...

Story of my life. I say as long as YOU feel better about what you're doing to change what YOU want for yourself, there is no time frame. Just keep your head up and remember YOU matter the most when it comes to your life.

You have my support. Just because we don't talk all the time doesn't mean I don't care or think about you. <3

kimcatus said...

Oooh boy. This could turn into a LONG response. *sigh* Sorry!

I have always had a weight problem. I was the proverbial fat kid, the last one picked, or the one the gym teacher had to force a team to take. I have been moo'ed at in public, called hurtful names, told by an ex that I wasn't lovable because I had gained weight.

But I know I'm not alone. It seems like it's acceptable to make fat jokes, or to not like someone who is fat.

I can't change other people. I can only change myself and first I have to like myself no matter what size I am.

I have lost about 40 lbs; I did it the "oldfashioned" and exercise. I have also fallen off that wagon and am trying very hard to get back on board.

I won't get into TMI but right now my body and my hormones are working against me and it's very frustrating to feel like you are trying so very hard and not getting anywhere. But I KNOW I can....I have before and I can do it again.

So I keep plodding along day by day trying to find what clicks again. I KNOW strength training have to be consistent. Actually I think that's the whole key and the one I'm finding the hardest to do.....consistency.

I think it's awesome to be excited because there will be a time when it's not fun and exciting anymore and then you have to dig down and try and get excited again. I think I'm there so maybe your excitement will rub off on me now..... :)

Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. This may be long. My weight has gone up and down my entire life! Luckily I am very very tall, so the fluctuations are not as noticeable as it is on a lot of people. Now that I am getting older, the up part of it doesn't go down as quickly as it used to! I really used to eat whatever I wanted and didn't care, because 20 pounds up or down for me, and my clothes still fit (just a bit differently!). I no longer call it "losing weight", (that feels like the impossible to me) instead I refer to it as getting healthier. 1) I can't afford to be sick 2) I like to look as good as possible (shallow maybe, but I don't care).

In the last couple of years, I have put on more than my usual 20 pounds up or down. This was not a mystery to me, I know why it happened, I did it to myself, but that is a whole different story! I had really (and I mean really really) good success with low-carb once before. My roommate was seriously overweight and wanted to try it, so I told her that I would do it with her for a while to offer support. I loved it. I ate low-carb for over a year. So.....On Valentines Day this year, I started it again. I have lost 22 pounds since. And I am starting to feel more like myself again! I really think that it is the best way to go for me. I eat tons of food, I don't feel deprived, and I feel so much better. It is a VERY hard diet to do by yourself though. I don't care what anybody says...people may try and be supportive, but unless they are going through the EXACT same diet/routine, it is nearly impossible for them to understand how hard it is! Feel free to bend my ear anytime if you go that route. I would be happy to share secrets and support! Best of luck being healthier for 2011!


Gemma said...

the berry and colon clense pills... works. love it. do it. my BMI is the word we dont mention. dude wtf. i know. but for real, google berry and colon clense diet.

Anonymous said...

beofre i had kids, my dr wanted to check me into an eating disorder place bc i was soseverly underweight (ps i ate...and plenty, but i burned twice what i ate due to my activity level...i did NOT have an eating disorder)
anyway...poped out a few kids and holy fuck i was obease!
so after my last kiddo, i decided to do something about it.
i joined what was then "LA Weight Loss" and lost 76lbs in 1yr.
it was awesome. and i kept it off...for 2yrs
then i got choice, but a HUGE life change and the lbs started to come back.
while i have not gained back all i lost, i have gained a good portion of it and that simply sucks for many reasons.
the guys i have attracted (the ones who like "bigger" girls) i have found do so bc they think they have little to no self esteem and can be bulldozed...i can not and will not.
plus i just felt healthy when i was thinner (ps...76lb lost still had me at a decent weight...average if you will)
so now im back on the war path.
im waiting for my "supplies" and trust me if this work the way i am praying it does, i will DEF let you know about it....

Shelby B said...

this is one of the reasons I love you so much is cause I can relate and I feel your pain and wish I could take it away. Believe it or not my current weight is my "heaviest" or it is for me and I have been underweight before as well. I am your height and at my lowest it was like 103 dripping wet with clothes and food and drink in my tummy of course. Half of it was I was doing so much I burned it off and the rest I got so much "oh you're so so tiny you're all twiggy like" and believe me it sort of fed (to use a pun) the beast. I wanted to keep it up. It was part of my total perfectionistic package.
It is such a hard battle and I am sure what you see in mirror is not what others see regardless of what the numbers on scale say. It hurts and you read so much into comments and dissect them and make yourself miserable
Take care of you(I know do as I say not as I do) cause I care and knowing you hurt over this hurts me inside. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. And you looked beautiful there at SBL as well as NYE in that little black dress <3