Wednesday, March 9, 2011


"I pity the fool that falls in love with you..." 

This will hopefully be a good month. I got a bunch of ducks lined up in a row... I guess that means I need to get out my pistol then... isn't that how I win the giant ass panda?

I get to see some friends, some boys, hear some good live music... I am looking forward to most of it. :) There will be a few things and key ingredients missing from the festivities, but... I'll manage.

Tomorrow I'm going out to buy a pair of heels.

Very specific reasoning, but I actually haven't worn heels in nearly 2 years. Why am I changing that now? I just bought a corset and the way that I first want to wear it didn't seem very "Converse".

I used to live in heels... I've gone back and forth about them for many, many years. The reason I stopped wearing them was because I was self-conscious of my height. (It makes me feel... weird... to be taller than some men...) I went through a period where that didn't matter to me and I lived in them. I used to go to the grocery store in them... everything.. all the time.

When I moved from Kansas City I took three pairs of shoes with me. I'm a simple girl now... but Micky bought me a dress for Christmas, one that requires heels and then I started looking for new ones again... so now that I'm going heels shopping tomorrow I'll be able to have more options from my closet. :)

A bit of travel at the end of this month. First Austin in like, 12 days to go see Mechanical People... turn around and come back to Houston and then turn around and go back to Austin for the SBL show on the 26th. From there we're going to Dallas to see Mechanical People again...

That's the one I'm looking forward to... even though it'll be another "goodbye" until I see those boys again at the beginning of May, I'm excited to see my step mom.

I haven't seen my step mom since... maybe July of last year...? If my memory serves me right. I only saw my dad once or so last year... meanwhile... don't make me put the number of times I saw my boys up. That would be bad.

What's terrible is that I keep in correspondence with those boys better than I do with my family. I feel guilty about it sometimes... but then... it's a two way street.

My step mom did seem excited about my book, though... that makes me very happy. I'm excited to receive it. Should be another week. I heard that they're being "processed and printed" right now.

Maybe tomorrow I can also look into getting my new tattoo... :) That could be fun. I have to find a new place here in Houston for ink. I hate finding new places... unfortunately, none of my Houston friends have tattoos. :-/

I'm trying to talk my step mom into coming to the Dallas show. That could be a lot of fun for us. I tried to explain Mechanical People to her... "it's got two people from the Stevedores in it... you remember the Stevedores, right? That one CD I gave you? Yeah. It's got their drummer and guitarist in it. It's amazing. You'll love them."

April will be good... but y'all don't want to hear about that.

May. Lord... here we go again. My plans are already starting to overlap. So... yay...? At least I'll be busy. May until... who knows when... The rest of my year is stuffed full of plans...

I'm ready to get moving, but so many things are holding me back.


Cherilyn said...

I don't really have anything insightful to say, but about the heels thing. I LOVE heels, the higher the better. But I have the love/hate thing wearing them too. I'm 5'7" and I'm over 6 feet tall when I wear them. I'm taller than most men. I get selfcounscious (oh screw spelling) unless I'm with a tall guy, or tall friends who also love stilletos. Then I feel like I don't stand out so much...lolz....

Anonymous said...

I think you will want to add a facebook icon to your website. I just bookmarked this article, but I had to complete this by hand. Just my $.02 :)

Unknown said...

I don't even know how to do that - but I will... haha