Thursday, April 7, 2011


I was actually listening to The Oh Noz! when I started writing this blog, so I thought that the icon was more than appropriate for today's blog.

The Oh Noz! (my band for the stalkers that follow me from my previous life...) were actually just mentioned in a 100 Monkeys interview. Pretty flippin' sweet, if you ask me.

PZO: What’s a common compliment people give you as a band and individually?
Jackson: “We love your live show.” It’s always amazing, you know, after the show we see people and they tell us how much they had an amazing time and how they met a new best friend of theirs or I think one of the best compliments we ever received was a CD from a fan who had been inspired by us to form her own band and that was a huge compliment right there.
Ben G: The Oh Noz!. 
PZO: That’s what they’re called?
Ben G: 
Yeah, N-O-Z.

Flippin'. Sweet. I don't hate that little thing right there. :) Do not hate at all.

Micky and I actually gave Ben an Oh Noz! shirt to wear in Dallas... he was going to wear it on stage... but... then he got high. (Or something.)

This was at our last performance... February 1st we went on right before Mechanical People at the show... Ben introduced us before the show and then after the performance (which was rocky in places due to the amount of Jameson we ingested) he hopped up on stage and said "give it up for The Oh Noz!" ...we definitely loved that. :)

I think I have now missed TWO days of blogging... but... at least I am still making it over to this blog more often than I was before. See... I'm trying.

I missed the other day because I was away from my computer all day again... I missed yesterday because I was stalking the mailman.

I have been not-so-patiently awaiting the mailman to bring my hCG drops so that I could finally start my new diet. They finally came yesterday about 2 or so and after taking them and then eating on them for the first time I got very tired and lethargic, which I believe is actually the opposite of what is supposed to happen on them... so... I hope that I don't have a backwards reaction to this crap as well. (Like Red Bull makes me tired.)

I actually started a new blog just for this "diet"... I will give you all the web address at the end of the 30 days. (Actually, I will need to go longer than 30 days in order to lose all the weight that I'm aiming for... this first cycle I'm going 43 days, which is the most that you're allowed to do... then I have to wait 6 weeks and then I can start another 43 days... we'll see how it all goes down.)

I'm pretty excited for this... those who have read my blog for a long time (or who have gone back in my blog to read old entries) know how excited I get to start new things. I get very motivated. Of course, when things don't show me the progress that I want or need I get very discouraged... I am going to try to push through that this time. I definitely have focus for this one. I see the goal that I want to obtain and now I'll try my hardest to reach it.

I had some very vivid and disturbing dreams last night. I'm a lucid dreamer, for the newbies who read this... and at times my dreams are almost too real and too much to take. Of course, there are times when that is a plus... when I'm being kissed or held I can actually taste the persons lips; I can actually feel their arms around me. That doesn't suck. :)

Last night was somewhere between evil and heaven.

I was in a hotel and every time I turned on the water and looked away blood rushed out onto my hands... the people around me could see the blood come from the faucet, but by the time that I would turn around to see it, it would go back to water. There were a few other little incidents that were scary like that... seeing things... feeling things that weren't there... I can't remember them all the way now that I've been up for a few hours... but... yeah.

Picture of the Day:

(PS... that kissing/holding thing happened in my dream last night... it got me through the grossness of touching blood.)


kimcatus said...

Woo hoo for the Oh Noz!! That is so awesome!!

Please don't give up when the going gets tough with the weight loss...and it will. It's NEVER easy no matter HOW you do it (surgery, diet/exercise, hcg drops, etc) and there will be a time when you just wanna say F it. But don't. Or if you do, start over. Because it is worth is and you are worth it and you CAN do it!

I lost 60 lbs in a year and that was 3 years ago. I haven't lost crap since then but I am still TRYING. I refuse to give up. And I know you can do this. I have faith in you and belive in you.

Micky said...

That needs some serious dream interpretation!

CassLynn said...

I wish you all the best of luck on the HCG drops! I'm really interested on how it works out for you! I had spent hours and hours reading stuff about it not so long ago, but never knew anyone who did it. There are so many mixed feelings about it! I would definitely be interested in your blog focusing on the results, so I will be anxiously awaiting it! I am at a plateau with my diet right now. My kitchen is like a chemistry lab right now - reviewing my daily food journal, comparing weight loss on days that I ate certain things..etc... It's making me crazy right now!

Our exchange over your post the other day about Seattle's Best coffee has had me obsessed the last couple of days with Iced Coffee drinks - thank you very much ;) I spent 12 hours last night cold brewing coffee like they do (well I didn't work on it the whole time, just had to wait) and let me tell you...I am HOOKED!!! I had to come up with low cal/low carb versions, but hooked nonetheless! I spent hours bookmarking recipes.

That's great about the Oh Noz mention in the interview!

And yes a dream interpretation on that one would be interesting! I remember that a hamburger represents not being whole or something. So no telling what yours adds up to!!!


Unknown said...

Blood: "To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments."

Bloody hands: "To see blood on your hands, signifies that you are experiencing some sort of guilt."

Now... I FELT the blood on my hands, but I never actually saw it... so, perhaps it's confusion about life, love, passion... or the passing of disappointments...?


Faucet: "To see a faucet in your dream, signifies control of your emotions. You are conscious of what emotions you allow yourself to be expressed."

I always saw the faucet, but I never saw the blood...

Unknown said...

Oh! And brewing your own iced coffee is quite a trick at home, I've learned. I used to be a barista and then it seemed easy - even making French press iced coffee (oof, if you get a chance, try it. Whoa.) was simple, but I have difficulty making it at home...

I'm sure that you've Googled, but for me the simplest way is a double brew of coffee. (Double the coffee, half the water...) and then put it over ice and it waters it down a tad...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand, I will most definitely keep you updated on the hCG drops! I'm excited that you've heard about it! I tend to blog when I'm hungry and I need a distraction, so I predict that happening soonish. ;)

CassLynn said...

For my cold brew...I put 6 tblsp of medium ground french roast in a mason jar, then slowly added 1 1/2 cups filtered water. Put the lid on and 12 hours later, I strained it 3 times (1 time with just a strainer, then twice with coffee filters). It made the most awesome concentrate!! I think (but not totally sure) that this is a crude version of Vietnamese brewing.

Then... I used 1 cup of coffee concentrate, 1/3 cup water, 1 Tblsp regular Cool Whip, 2 Tblsp Hersheys lite syrup, mixed in a blender then poured over coffee ice cubes! Only 57 calories and 11 carbs! I'm pretty excited.

Next time (tonight) I will make double the amount of cold brew concentrate, because I just put some coffee/water in the microwave and it is awesome hot also.

Yep, definitely heard of the HCG. Probably equal amounts of positive and negative, but that's typical on diet regimens I guess. From what I have read...basically it either worked or it didn't. The main thing to most was the seriously low calorie intake and how it affected their muscles, kidneys, moods and stuff. Also, those with low functioning thyroids-it didn't seem to work all to well. But for the ones it did work on, they really loved it!


Unknown said...

Whoa. (Coffee)

That's insane wow.

Kelsy said...

G'day! :)

When I read the interview, I was wondering why he said fan and not friend. I thought you're close friends with Jackson. :S

Good luck with the drops and the diet. I hope you'll keep us posted about the results. I could loose a few pounds myself.


Unknown said...

Above all, I am a fan. Their music inspired my own music and my photography. I am blessed that he obviously knows how much I adore 100 Monkeys music and all that they do with their uneding creativity. :)

I will definitely keep everyone posted on the results of the drops! Thanks for the support!

Unknown said...

Forgot to interpret this part...

Washing hands: "To dream that you are washing your hands, represent a worrisome issue that you need to work through. Alternatively, it suggests that you are in denial or no longer taking responsibility of some matter. You are letting go and getting things out of your system."

...I think I'm pretty sure what it's all about now.