Friday, October 2, 2009

Keep The Car Running

"Gonna make some plans, wait and see,
Turn it off, turn me on...
Open your eyes look around you,
Fuck what you heard,
You were lied to..."

This morning I woke up twice. Once at 530a-ish and again at 930a-ish... both of which are too damn early for me.

Why did I wake up that early, you ask? Because it was like 50-fucking-degrees in my house and I was literally shaking from being so damn cold.

I think my dreams get weirder when I'm freezing... I had a dream that I was in Vegas and at a charity event and Muse was performing. My childhood friend, Shena, was sitting across the table from me and Paul (who I met last year in Vegas) was next to me. His blue eyes were piercing. That was the most vivid part about the dream; his blue eyes. Jennifer was off galavanting with Timberlake and it pissed me off... LOL Figures.

Today was hardly productive. I think I did three or four posts for Truth... nowhere near enough to consider it a full day of work. Reckon the news had better stop being slow or Imma start just making up shit. (I would never do that, for those who don't understand my sense of humor.)

Talked to my Daddy tonight! :) That was really awesome, actually. I keep trying to think back about the last time I talked to him and I can't remember if I have talked to him since the 4th of July...? Either way, it's been so freaking long that I can't remember and that's just sad.

I always wonder if I have anything to say to him, but then we end up talk-talk-talking, which I love. We always talk about technology too, which rocks. My dad is the only person I know who loves technology, yet doesn't have a computer. LOL

He told me about these glasses that have a camera in the frame of them and our mind both went to the same place: CONCERTS. Yep. That made me happy, I am my father's daughter. *beams*

From there I told him about how I went to have coffee with my Mama and she took a picture of me with her cell phone and then told me that her cell phone camera was a 2.0 megapixel and that in 2000 her first digital camera was a 2.0 megapixel Fugifilm camera that set her back $700 and now she had 2.0 megapixels in her PHONE. From there I told her that it was insane that the 12.1 megapixel camera I want is only $199.

My dad and I are both flabbergasted by technology.

While I was talking to him I realized that while filming the 1989 Batman they thought they were cool shit... going onto the next Batman (Batman Returns) which was filmed in 1992 - their technology advances just over those 4 years or so was incredibly dramatic and of course it just gets more advanced with Batman Forever and Batman & Robin...

Then I told him that while watching The Dark Knight I'm thinking to myself that this is just the coolest thing in the entire universe and that the quality of it is mindblowing... but then, I'm sure that's what they thought about all four of those Batman films, right?

So if the technology from 2000 to 2009 can expand this far with digital cameras, eventually there is going to be a 12.1 megapixel camera inside of your PHONE. Think about that.

Now think about how awesome The Dark Knight was... It's been 20 years since the first Batman movie... you know how shitty it looks? Think about watching The Dark Knight 20 years from now and thinking that it looked "shitty".

That's almost hard to wrap your mind around, but you should get used to that idea because that's where we're headed.

Technology is ever changing and as my Daddy said, it's supply and demand... there's always going to be a demand for it, for something better... so they're always going to have to make better.

My Dad also told me that my thinking of this was pretty progressive, which I'll admit, made me very happy to hear. I think it also just means that I think of things that others are too busy to think of... my mind works differently than yours.

Pic of the Day:

Jackson in Hurt...

I'm kinda anxious for this DVD to come out. (November 10th, 2009) I saw two mini clips today and got all kinds of excited that he's an artist in the film.

He was welding (*DROOL*) an octopus and his girlfriend was like, "eeew!" And snapped back at her, "they're beautiful." And then he told her that if they get a tentacle cut off they can grow it back and that they have three hearts... I mean, c'mon... that's automatic badass on the sea-creature scale.

1 comment:

Genn said...

You have technology soap boxes and I adore that.
You say you can't soap box but I just now read this and thought "soap box" because it doesn't have to be a negative rant, just something that impassions you.
I love that you finally talked to your dad, I wish you could talk to one another more though, without letting so much time slide by, because it seems like you just get each other so well.
You know?
It's adorable and sweet.

Jay in "HURT" is going to be amazing, and you know, honestly yeah, the octopus is badass but it's located in the ocean, with the whales, and well, no thank you.