Wednesday, November 18, 2009

[Insert Blog Title Of Your Choice Here]

"I can see straight through you,
Right to the other side,
There's something that you could do,
But then you'd have to try..."

Today was a hard day.

I had to wake up at 730a.

I don't like that very much.

Catfish had to have her water at 8a... Jane McConnell came over to help me with it this morning. I love Jane. She's truly saved my mothers life and Pam just adores her... I'm glad that they have her in their lives. She's a beautiful soul.

Catfish had a hard day... won't go into all that... *shaking my head*

I took a long nap.

Haven't been sleeping well... dreaming too lucid.

I'm exhausted.

I'm drained.

I'm supposed to be on "vacation", but this is the hardest work that I've ever done in my life.

I HAVE to keep this cat alive. I don't have a choice.

Tonight hasn't been easy, my heart is aching and bruised... My body and mind don't know what to feel, they don't know if they should feel filled with love or hollow and empty.

I'm over it.

Is it New Moon time yet?

Is it the new year yet?

I'm over it.


Genn said...

I can't tell you what to feel or how.
I can't make it better, though I desperately want to.
Right now, I am about as worthless as they come, but just know that if you need someone to talk to, talk to you, or just listen to you breathe, I'm RIGHT HERE.

Gemma said...

wanna swap? i keep a cat alive while u keep a little boy alive?