Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Airport Blog!

"Goddamn she ain't breathing, don't do this to me..."

I love my airport blogs... let's see... I've airport blogged before I went to LA... uh... I'm sure there was a Vegas one in there somewhere... NYC... I can't remember what else, but once I get to the airport I think it's a nice way to pass the time. :)

I only got about an hour of sleep last night. I laid down "early". I was scheduled to get 4 hours of sleep... then Jenn and Bella were snoring their asses off... then Bella couldn't get comfortable... then blah... just blah... so finally I fell asleep and I was supposed to get up at 445, I woke up at 535 when Willow text me and I rawred at Jennifer, "why didn't you get me up!?" She said we didn't need to be there 2 hours early anymore and that we would get up at 6 and leave the house at 630... we did and all was fine... I checked in and everything went smoothly...

Put my shit through the x-ray machine... my shoe got stuck. haha, I find that high-larious.

Willow is almost to Nashville as I type this... going to pick me up. :) I'm so happy to see her... fuck, I love her. Just sayin'... she's my air.

You know, speaking of air - I'm surprisingly calm right now... I'm not sure what that's about, actually... I'm usually a wreck... I was last night. Perhaps it's all gotten out of my system? Perhaps that was like, a fake "hitting" me thing? Perhaps I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I will try to blog again soon. :)


1 comment:

The Illiterate said...

Eek! I'm so jealous that you're getting to Nashville before me!

Hope the plane ride is relatively uneventful and you're not stuck with a bunch of crying babies, because that gets annoying really quickly.