Monday, October 3, 2011

30 x 30

Thirty things that I want to accomplish by the time I turn 30.

It's nearly my 27th birthday, here. It still seems far off to the outside world, but December 1st will come faster than you think. Take for instance, that it's October 3rd. We just passed the first of October (which is my dog's birthday...), 2 months from there is December 1st. On Halloween (October 31st), it'll be just 31 days until my birthday... and November goes by far too fast.

I'm almost 27.

My twenties have gone by in a flash.

I'm not sure if that's how it happens for everyone else, but if the twenties are any indication of what my thirties will be like, then I'll be at the end of the road before I know it.

In honor of that, before my twenties are over, there are some things that I'd like to accomplish. So here is that list - Thirty Things I Want To Accomplish Before I Turn 30.

(In no particular order.)

01. Write a book.
02. Get to my goal weight.
03. See all 50 states.
04. Get my hair healthy.
05. Drive a ridiculously cool car.
06. Learn to shoot a gun.
07. Own a gun.
08. Tip a waiter with something other than money.
09. Do Absinthe.
10. Go off the grid for at least a week.
11. Bury a time capsule.
12. Go on a holiday with no luggage.
13. Host a Martha Stewart-worthy dinner party.
14. Meditate for 3h in one sitting.
15. Wear a fancy dress for a whole day.
16. Keep a diary for a whole year.
17. Complete a 40 day water fast.
18. Spraypaint art on a wall... (IE: graffiti)
19. Get a Brazilian wax.
20. Live abroad or buy a one way ticket overseas.
21. Go on a cruise.
22. Take ballet and martial arts.
23. Go to culinary school.
24. Be happy with my phone, my phone bill and my carrier.
25. Do something elaborate to surprise someone and make them happy for no reason.
26. Eat more tofu.
27. Have a [mindblowing] first kiss that actually means something with someone that I fancy.
28. Wear a wig and create an alter-ego.
29. Hit on the hottest guy at a bar/club/venue and not be intimidated or back down.
30. Actually live to see 30.

What are your plans that you'd like to do before your next birthday milestone? I'd love to hear them!!


JudiJudiJudi said...

Well Lovely ms Jodie, What states havent you visited? as for shooting a gun my husband has a ak 47 and were moving to NH so maybe you can come visit and he can teach you how to shoot. It is a pretty bad ass gun. Hopefully NH is also on your list of place you haven't seen. I love ya Jodie and Miss you beautiful face.

Unknown said...

Good question:

I have not been to Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, DC, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Alaska and Hawaii.

:) Thank you for asking!!!

M. B. Feeney said...

Seeing as I'm already in my 30's *sob* I can honestly say that my 20s flew by and there was so much I wanted to do before they ended! So I transferred them :) My big one, write a book... I kinda get to do that this yr as a presentfor the band!!
I'm also doing another big one, I'm getting my 1st tattoo this year. Again because of the guys. So I say don't stress about not getting through your list!