Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm Trying To Build A Wall

"My faith ain't been no friend to me, 
And the way I've sinned is hanging off of me..."

I wonder just how "emo" I could get before people either deleted me, stopped talking to me or told me to grow the fuck up... It would be interesting to see.

My heart doesn't matter. It is irrelevant in the game of life.

I do not understand people... humans... others. How are we supposed to do this? There are only a few... very small handful of people on this earth that I truly care about and I believe there are less than that who actually care for me.

You know what humans care about? THEMSELVES.

Listen, let me tell you something -- the sooner you figure this shit out, the better -- NO ONE CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. They only listen so they can wait for their turn to talk. You may *THINK* they care about you - you may *THINK* that they listen to you, but you're naive. Even in their response, they will say something back to YOU about THEMSELVES.

I actually listen to what [some] people say and give my honest response back that has nothing to do with me... Perhaps some people think it's about relation... they feel like if you know that they can relate that that will make you feel better. But you know what, that doesn't make me feel better -- that makes me feel like you're just talking about yourself... and if we're talking about you? That's fine... let's talk about you... but don't ask me how I am and have me tell you just so you can barely respond or go back to talking about you.

If you wanna talk about you, then at least fucking own up to it.

That's not even really what this is about... you know... that's not how this blog got started.

This blog is about so, so much... and yet... by the time that you're done reading it all - you will not know what it's really about. That sucks, doesn't it?

Do you cringe at memories? How about memories that you've just made up in your mind? About people that you've never met? Places that you've never been?

I think there's something wrong with me... and with that... who wants someone so fucked up? You know, I tend to like the "weird" and "strange" ones... my step mom said once that anyone can find someone "normal", but it takes talent to get a weird one... I agree with that... but, does anyone else want a weird one? And how about someone weird like me?

I really don't know anything right now.

Forgive how scattered this is. I know it must not make sense whatsoever, but I have no one else to talk to, so if you're reading this - then I'm talking to you. Thanks for listening.

I left my phone at home today. Intentionally.

I've felt like I am on the brink of tears all day long.

Pictures? Photos always make me feel better... well, depending on the subject. Sometimes the subject makes me even more sad.

Subject? Lens flares. Lens flares make me happy.


kimcatus said...

Hmmmm.....I think you're right to a point. We do like to talk about ourselves and we do like others to hear us....or at least pretend to. Maybe some people pretend more than others to really listen and care....I don't know. I can only speak for myself and what's in MY heart. I do care what you have to say.....whether I agree or not; whether I think it's way off the wall or way off base. I suppose the only way to prove that is to keep commenting until you believe it....and if that takes forever, well then I guess you're stuck with me!!! *gigs*

I love the new camera btw. Did I say that? It's like it brings out more of your awesomeness in the picture taking skills department. The other pictures are great and amazing but these. These are just breathtaking.

Genn said...

People (for the most part) are selfish pig dogs and could not care genuinely care less about what others have to say. I think you're absolutely right.
However this isn't about what I think or feel, it's to apologize for me being a huge selfish pig dog and wallowing in self pity as of late - not being there for you as a friend the way that I should be, you deserve better than that.
You deserve someone that will listen to you and truly fucking listen, not just waiting to talk about "me me me".
It's not hard, the things you have to say are interesting and important, even if you feel as if they're irrelevant, they aren't.
Anything you say is of (at the very least) some importance and impact.
You are a wonderful person, regardless of the inability of others to see outside themselves.
Hold onto that.
Know also I have read all the blogs I missed and though I've sucked at commenting lately, I have read your words.
I do love you very much and appreciate you.