Sunday, May 2, 2010

Semi-Enchanted; Definitely Entertained

No photos today, even though I am on a computer, I am blogging from my mothers...

I definitely don't think she has an entire folder of icons, although she does have some pretty amazing photos that could be worthy of "picture of the day"... however, none of them are watermarked and I don't want grubby hands all over my mothers amazing photography.

This feels so weird to be blogging from a desktop... the keys are strange. Ever find that? Laptop users... do you ever feel weird when you get back to a desktop? I haven't had a desktop since 2007... Also, since I primarily use my iPhone (no internet at home... no need, I'm never fucking there!) I think it's often times strange to go from pounding out emails on my iPhone to being on my laptop.

What a strange rant: this was not my intention. I just started typing.

Yesterday was a nice day. My Mama and I put our collective photography minds together in order to do new headshots for Pam, my Mama's wife. She needed a good shot for her psychology webpage and I ended up taking the final choice! Win! Also, to lighten the mood I took some photos of my Mama and Pam together and I got about three absolutely stunning, mind-blowing, incredible shots of precious moments. They were floored and in their very long relationship (apologies, I don't remember how many years...) they had never had shots done... (that's what you get when you ARE the photographer... you never see photos of yourself!) So, they are so happy happy, joy joy that they finally have a photo together of them as a couple!!!

Then after the shoot Pam broke out her guitar and jammed a little bit for us and I did what I do best -- music shots. :D I got some crazy good ones of her just jamming away.

My Mama said that she loved my shots and that I have a great eye -- coming from her, my mother and the most talented and SERIOUS photographer that I know (whose work I have admired for 17 years!) -- that is the biggest compliment, the heaviest compliment on the planet... the fact that she chose MY shots over her own from yesterday? My mind can't even comprehend that.

Photography really is special to me. So special in fact that while I knew in the back of my mind that I would give up being a musician myself in order to photograph others enjoying music (a la 100 Monkeys...) it came to a serious pivotal moment yesterday when I offered up to sell my beloved Fender that I received for my birthday.

For so long I ached to have that guitar... for so long I have been trying to make something of myself musically... but photography... perhaps my passion lies deeper in listening and being surrounded by music than it does to making it at the moment. I'll never stop singing along. Pam played Landslide and then Joking by the Indigo Girls yesterday and her and my Mama fawned over "how great" my voice was... I've been hearing that my whole life, but it never... will never get old.

The photography thing? People telling me I am good? People still telling me I am good in comparison to photographers like my mother? That's a new kind of high I never thought I would reach. I always loved photography, always appreciated it... loved to practice it... modeled so many times when I was a child -- which I loved -- but I never dreamed I would have this kind of raw love for it... this kind of passion, this kind of drive for it... so much drive for photography that I sold my very first Fender.

Life. Love. Art. They are all about sacrifices. Sacrificing something for the greater good of art makes me feel.

1 comment:

kimcatus said...

I am so very sorry you have to choose between two passions...I know it happens and that's all a part of growing up and blah blah blah but it still sucks and I wish I could help. :(

That is awesome that your mom chose your shots, but from what I've seen of your work you ARE amazing so I'm not surprised!!!

Sending it out to the universe that somehow you can keep the guitar and get the new camera.....positive thoughts for you my doll!!!!