Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Opportunity, Hear It's Knock

[insert the lyrics to what you're currently listening to here]

Sometimes life treats you bad... sometimes life treats you good. Sometimes you have no idea what the fuck life is all about until it's over. Life can be a little shit, a perfect angel and a facetious bastard at times. Or all the time.

For the past couple months life has both been good to me and been a facetious little bastardy shit. I love irony as much as the next person, truly, I do... but there are some times when I have to say, "alright... ha ha... enough is enough."

Also, as you may know by now, my mantra is - BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.

I managed to get my camera without having to sell my guitar... something I would call a definite win. Jennifer bought me that guitar for my 25th birthday (which I just had in December...) and she was a little (err... a lot...) pissed off that I was going to sell it... but alas... I needed a DSLR.

Now that that has happened, before I can even get the camera into my hot little hands (Friday) - I've started lining up new projects and plans. This year... suffice it to say... will be the busiest, and is already, the best year of my life.

I can't discuss any of the projects I've got my hands in right now, but I am so beyond thrilled to be involved in them... so honored to get a chance to work with the people associated with them. Insane.

A year ago... well... let me go back into my blog a year and see where I was, shall we? I was in Twitter drama... I was living in a hotel... I was completely unhappy with my life and only wanting/looking forward to one thing... which... if you knew/know me... it does not need to be said aloud.


Oh lord... see, this is where that "be careful what you wish for" shit comes into play.

Swiftly moving on.

Me in May 2008:

Me in May 2009:

And, this would be where I would post a photo of myself from 2010, however... the only photos that have been taken of me in 2010 are on my mothers computer... but... you know... haven't changed much from April... LOL Here's April 2010:

With Jake Miller of The Kissing Club.

You know... I have changed so much... changed so much in the last year... in the past two years. I used to take an obscene amount of photos of myself, trying to stay the person I was when I was 8 years old... and now, I really am not in a lot of photos... Interesting. I still love to take photos with my friends - (such as this photo of Jake or the photo of me with Jay, Ben and Larry...) but other than those couple photos, the week that I was out with the boys, Willow, Jessie and Jennifer - there are maybe three other photos of me.


You know... I started this blog with a specific purpose...

When an opportunity knocks on your door, you must answer. However... it seems that too many opportunities have knocked and now I have to start turning some down. :( This saddens me, but at the same time - I must keep my artistic integrity intact.

I am so excited to see where the next few months will take me... (Oh the places you will go!) and I am even more excited to share this journey with y'all.

Rock on,


1 comment:

Gemma said...

loving the black.. its sooo me! haha. yes. im going back to that. i heart u xoxoxo