Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And It's Been So Long Since I've Seen The Ocean

"One more day up in the canyon, 
And it's one more night in Hollywood, 
If you think you might come to California, 
I think you should..." 

I know I should be finishing my Birmingham blog instead of starting this one... but Birmingham is proving very hard for me to write. There's so much that happened that day, there's so much that I think of when I think of Birmingham -- however, none of that will be included in the write up blog for the show. No personal stories will be shared from that day.

Sorry to disappoint.

Yesterday Jennifer had the entire day off... we were supposed to take my new camera out for a spin at the park... but then it rained... hard. Also, Megan wasn't feeling well so we had to reschedule our lil get together.

I really keep thinking I would like to do something different with my hair. I honestly don't know what. Suggestions? With pictures?

Ahh, let's face it. I have nothing to talk about today. Here's some pictures.

My bracelets.

Jennifer's bracelets.

If I haven't mentioned it here -- I'm in love with my camera.

Rock on,



kimcatus said...

Holy cow....were these taken with the new camera? It's not like any of the older pics were bad.....but it's like getting glasses after you've squinted for years. It's like wow I can see!!!! Still love all your photos doll....you put so much heart into them it shines through!!!!

Hair? Pssssh. Wish I could help....I can't even figure out what to do with MINE! lol I'll have the angled bob for the next 10years like I had short hair peobably.....Virgos don't like change! ;-)

Anyway just wanted to stop by and say howdy. Love ya!

::lyl:: said...

i really love the picture of your dog, so cute ^^