Sunday, April 12, 2009

Letters I Want To Write But Don't

"I guess I'm dreaming again,
Let's be more than... this."

Dear McDonalds,

Why must your french fries taste so incredible yet be so horrible for me? Please try and keep me away from them for here on out. Thanks.

Dear 13 year-old-self,

I would say quit while you're ahead, but you're already pretty behind. Life will not get easier from where I'm standing, so you're in for at least another decade of hell. I'm truly sorry for all that you will endure. The tearful nights, the points and stares. The euphoric highs and the crippling lows. The habits that you're just starting to form now will never go away, so learn to love your new best friend.

Dear Jennifer,

Why can't you keep a promise? It would be nice to believe you when you say you're going to do something... I do believe you, but you keep failing me.

Dear person with the accusing eyes,

You don't know me, so please don't judge me. You have no idea what it feels like to walk in my shoes and you most definitely have not walked where I have walked. You should count yourself lucky for your picket fences and 'perfect' family - you would pry your eyes out if you had seen the things I have seen.

Dear friends,

You have no idea what your devotion to me means. I've searched the world over to find an eclectic mix of wonderful souls and I feel blessed to count you as the best. I would do anything to prove my love for you.

Dear enemies,

Karma comes full circle and you get what you put out there times three. Before you ever point fingers at me--or anyone, make sure your hands are clean.

Dear Stephenie Meyer,

Thanks for getting me to finally read!!! I never thought the day would come when I would be so entirely invested in two characters the way I am with Edward and Bella. I love them with my entire soul and I will never be able to thank you enough for the gift you have given me.

Dear Mama,

I don't blame you, so stop blaming yourself.

Dear Daddy,

I'm so very sorry for the way that I turned out. You'll never have any idea of how sorry one person can be. I'll never forgive myself for as long as I live for all the things I've done to you and how many ways I've let you down. I will never ask for your forgiveness because I don't think I will ever deserve it.

Dear Self,

One day I hope you can fly. I know you're going to fall many times before that day comes but someday you will soar. Please stop hurting yourself when you're ready. Please try and value the things on the inside because you still believe in good -- good in people, forgiveness and karma. You know you're stupid for believing that; you know you're naive. I don't blame you for it. It's just the way you'll always be. You're always going to be Cinderella in your own fairy tale, it's just a distorted, sordid version of whatever truth you may portray that day.

Dear Child,

Thank you for shouting out loud, now you may do whatever you please. You may live in the kingdom or ride in the carriage.



The last was something I wrote in grade school - 2nd grade or so... I impressed myself with it. It's a wonderful thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself.

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