Thursday, May 5, 2011


...I must remember to transfer some icons over to my computer... it feels naked without.

So... I just returned from Las Vegas this past weekend where I caught up on three 100 Monkeys shows which has to suffice until I see them at the CD release party in late June.

I hadn't told anyone (aside from Lani) that I was heading into Las Vegas for the shows in hopes of surprising the boys a bit. Whether or not I actually pulled that off, I was happy to see them and they appeared to be the same... I caught up with them, exchanged hugs, my new hot pink hair got noticed, I had to remind the Bens that I didn't live in Tuscaloosa anymore since they said they were worried about me... It's a good thing to hear, though. Definitely good to hear.

...I think I snuggle attacked Jerad the hardest. It had been the longest since I had seen him. Hardcore. :)

Meet and greet hello time was good. Usually when Lani asks me if I have anything for the boys to sign I just say no because I literally have a box of autographs on random things... but this day I said, "actually..." and Jay replied, "your camera?" And I said with surprise... "Well, *actually*..."

I wanted them to sign my Flip video camera... while. it. was. on.

The boys loved the idea and agreed and I decided I would share the video with everyone. :)

At the end of the video you can hear Lani ask if I would like a photo with the boys. I wonder how many people have said "No, thanks, Lani." :)

I feel like this should be a "caption this" photo.

The shows were excellent. I was put in the photo pit for both of them... quite a change from the usual of being pressed up against the stage... but! It was my very first photo pit! (Be proud of me.)

After I posted the photos the Las Vegas radio station snagged them up to post them on their website and 100 Monkeys re-posted the link on their Twitter and their Facebook to thousands and thousands of people... that's the biggest mention that my photos have ever received.

Follow 100 Monkeys on Twitter: @100MonkeysMusic
Like them on Facebook:

You can see the photos posted here on the Las Vegas radio station's website:

15 of my photos posted there. :)

Here's some of my favorites from that evening.

The next day the band had an instore at Tommy Bahama's... here's a few of my favorite photos from that.

You can see the rest of the photos over at

One more little thing that's actually quite huge before I move on from 100 Monkeys... my friend Summer brought this to my attention today -- 100 Monkeys mentioned The Oh Noz! again.

At the 6:12 mark there's some serious gushing that may or may not have been one of my favorite things on the planet.

If anyone questions why I go to every show I can, if anyone questions why I love these boys with every inch of my heart and soul; THIS is why. Because of all the love and support that I give them, I get this kind of love and respect back.

Swiftly moving on...

Twas good times... I had a great time in Vegas. My friend Julie let me stay with her at her hotel and the day after the 100 Monkeys shows we went to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. Incredible!! I was so happy to get to go with her.

That shark is smiling for the camera. :)

Until next time... so long and thanks for all the fish.


Elsebeth said...

Hey Jodie. I'm so happy for you!! It has been a big week for you it seems. I did think about you when they mentioned the cd they had recieved. I Think they have mentioned it before too :) I hope that your good luck continues :)
Love your photos as always.
<3 Elsebeth

Elsebeth said...

P.S. Love the hair!

kimcatus said...

OMG I love you even more with the Douglas Adams quote.....I mean, even more than I adored you before!

I am very proud of you for the photo pit and all the pictures being used and tweeted and Facebooked. May I dare say, "Be careful what you wish for".....I think this is an awesome recognition of your talent and dedication.....congrats!! You so deserve it!!